Blaues Wunder

PD Dr. Thomas Hinze

Blaues Wunder
Foto: Dr. Thomas Hinze
  • Zur Person
    PD Dr. Thomas Hinze
    PD Dr. Thomas Hinze
    Foto: Dr. Thomas Hinze

    PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Hinze

    wurde 1971 in Halle/Saale geboren und schloss 1997 das Studium der Informatik an der Technischen Universität Dresden als Diplom-Informatiker ab. Danach war er eine Zeitlang als Software-Entwickler im SAP-Umfeld tätig und kehrte anschließend mit einem Doktorandenstipendium der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes in die universitäre Forschung zurück. 2002 wurde er an der Technischen Universität Dresden promoviert (summa cum laude). Der Titel seiner Arbeit lautet: Universelle Modelle und ausgewählte Algorithmen des DNA-Computing. Nach der Promotion setzte er seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit fort und wechselte 2006 als Postdoktorand an die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, wo er zuerst in der Arbeitsgruppe Biosystemanalyse unter Leitung von apl. Prof. Peter Dittrich und ab 2009 als Projektleiter am Lehrstuhl Bioinformatik bei Prof. Stefan Schuster Prinzipien der biologischen Informationsverarbeitung untersuchte. 2012 habilitierte er sich an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena mit seiner Arbeit "Molecular Computing" und erwarb den Titel Privatdozent. Im gleichen Jahr ging er als Dozent an die Brandenburgische Technische Universität nach Cottbus, wo er eigenständig lehrte und das Gebiet des Membrane Computing wissenschaftlich weiterentwickelte. Seit 2017 ist er als Dozent und Gastwissenschaftler wieder an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena tätig. Seine Publikationsliste umfasst derzeit 78 Veröffentlichungen, darunter zwei Patente und zwei Fachbücher ("Rechnen mit DNA" und "Computer der Natur"). Er gehört dem Lenkungsausschuss der International Membrane Computing Society an und ist Mitherausgeber des Springer Journal of Membrane Computing.

    Link: persönliche Webseite Link

  • Forschungsinteressen
    • Prinzipien und Modelle des biologisch inspirierten Rechnens (in vitro, in vivo, in silico)
    • Molekulares Computing (DNA-, RNA-, Protein-Computing, Chemisches Rechnen, Dynamische Strukturen)
    • Membran-, Zellbasiertes, Neuronales, Amorphes, Evolutionäres, Organisches Computing, Künstliches Leben
    • System-, Synthetische und Algebraische Biologie zur Untersuchung von Prinzipien der biologischen Informationsverarbeitung
  • Publikationen

    Alle Publikationen sind hier zu finden: Link


    B. Förster, P. Langendörfer, T. Hinze.
    A Novel Approach to a Plant Inspired Distributed Security Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
    2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium, 2022, submitted


    B. Förster, P. Langendörfer, T. Hinze.
    Determining Distributions of Security Means for Wireless Sensor Networks based on the Model of a Neighbourhood Watch. International Journal of Information Security, Springer Verlag, 2022, accepted

    A. Henderson, R. Nicolescu, M.J. Dinneen, T. Chan, H. Happe, T. Hinze.
    Programmable and Parallel Water Computing.
    Journal of Membrane Computing 4(4):209-221, Springer Verlag, 2022, in print

    R. Starke, I. Vukorep, K. Frommelt, A. Melcher, T. Hinze.
    Towards Artificial Ossification for Boneinspired Technical Structures.
    In M.F. Hvejsel and P.J.S. Cruz (Eds.), Structures and Architecture, Vol. 2, ISBN 978-0-367-90281-0, pp. 1211-1218, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2022


    A. Henderson, R. Nicolescu, M.J. Dinneen, T. Chan, H. Happe, T. Hinze.
    Turing Completeness of Water Computing.
    Journal of Membrane Computing 3(3):182-193, Springer Verlag, 2021

    Link: Link

    G. Zhang, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, A. Riscos-Nunez, S. Verlan, S. Konur, T. Hinze, M. Gheorghe.
    Membrane Computing Models: Implementations.
    Springer-Verlag, 301 p., 2021

    ISBN 978-981-16-1565-8 (print version)
    ISBN 978-981-16-1566-5 (eBook)

    Link: Link


    T. Hinze.
    Coping with Dynamical Reaction System Topologies using Deterministic P Modules: A Case Study of Photosynthesis. Journal of Membrane Computing 2(4):281-289, Springer Verlag, 2020

    T. Hinze, H. Happe, A. Henderson, R. Nicolescu.
    Membrane Computing with Water. Journal of Membrane Computing 2(2):121-136, Springer Verlag, 2020


    T. Hinze, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron (Editors).
    Membrane Computing. 19th International Conference, CMC 2018, Dresden, Germany, September 4-7, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11399, ISBN 978-3-030-12797-8, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 288 p., 2019

    B. Förster, T. Hinze.
    Towards Automated Analysis of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reactions in a Petri Dish by Membrane Computing using Optic Flow. In T.Hinze, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron (Eds.), Membrane Computing. 19th International Conference. Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISBN 978-3-030-12797-8, Vol. 11399, pp. 131-141, Springer Verlag, 2019

    A. Melcher, I. Vukorep, T. Hinze.
    Construction of Stable and Lightweight Technical Structures Inspired by Ossification of Bones using Osteogenetic P Systems. In T.Hinze, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron (Eds.), Membrane Computing. 19th International Conference. Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISBN 978-3-030-12797-8, Vol. 11399, pp. 208-228, Springer Verlag, 2019, Best Paper Award



    T. Hinze, J. Behre (Editors).
    Preliminary Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC19).
    ISBN 978-3-96409-030-0, Verlag ProBusiness Berlin, 276 S., 2018

    T. Hinze. The Java Environment for Nature-inspired Approaches (JENA): A Workbench for BioComputing and BioModelling Enthusiasts. In C. Graciani, A. Riscos-Nunez, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa (Eds.), Enjoying Natural Computing, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11270, pp. 155-169, ISBN 978-3-030-00264-0, Springer Verlag, 2018, invited paper

    Thomas Hinze, Benjamin Förster
    Event-based Life in a Nutshell: How Evaluation of Individual Life Cycles Can Reveal Statistical Inferences using Action-accumulating P Systems
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10725, 2018, 129-150, In: M. Gheorghe, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron (Eds.), Membrane Computing. 18th International Conference. ISBN 978-3-319-73358-6, Springer Verlag
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]


    T. Hinze
    Interview with Gheorghe Paun
    Bulletin of the International Membrane Computing Society, 2017, to appear in issue December 2017
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze
    Coping with Dynamical Structures for Interdisciplinary Applications of Membrane Computing
    Springer Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10105, 2017, 16-27
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, L. Weber, U. Hatnik
    Walking Membranes: Grid-exploring P Systems with Artificial Evolution for Multi-purpose Topological Optimisation of Cascaded Processes
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10105 , 2017, 251-271
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]


    T. Hinze, J. Behre, K. Kirkici, Pa. Sauer, Pe. Sauer, S. Hayat
    Passion to P for Polymorphic Processes in Practice
    In: Multidisciplinary Creativity. Homage to Gheorghe Paun on His 65th Birthday (eds. M. Gheorghe, I. Petre, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa), ISBN 978-606-8401-63-8, Spandugino, 2016, ch. 7, 77-88
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, K. Kirkici, Pa. Sauer, Pe. Sauer, J. Behre
    Membrane Computing Meets Temperature: A Thermoreceptor Model as Molecular Slide Rule with Evolutionary Potential
    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9504, 2016, 215-235
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link |  url Externer Link ]


    P. Sauer, T. Hinze, P. Hofstedt
    Dynamic Ad-hoc Topologies for Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Non-Uniform Grid Maps
    International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 2(6), 2015, 92-101
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, K. Grützmann, B. Höckner, P. Sauer, S. Hayat
    Categorised Counting Mediated by Blotting Membrane Systems for Particle-Based Data Mining and Numerical Algorithms
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8961, 2015, 241-257
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link |  url Externer Link ]


    T. Hinze, J. Behre, C. Bodenstein, G. Escuela, G. Grünert, P. Hofstedt, P. Sauer, S. Hayat, P. Dittrich
    Membrane Systems and Tools Combining Dynamical Structures with Reaction Kinetics for Applications in Chronobiology
    In: Applications of Membrane Computing in Systems and Synthetic Biology (eds. P. Frisco, M. Gheorghe, M.J. Perez-Jimenez), Springer Series Emergence, Complexity, and Computation, 2014, ch. 5, 133-173
    bibtexExterner Link |  doi Externer Link |  url Externer Link ]


    T. Hinze
    Unraveling Oscillating Structures by Means of P Systems
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 24(5), 2013, 605-607
    bibtexExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze
    Computer der Natur
    T. Hinze, Verlag, ISBN 978-87-403-0378-0, 2013, eBook
    bibtexExterner Link |  url Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, B. Schell, M. Schumann, C. Bodenstein
    Maintenance of Chronobiological Information by P System Mediated Assembly of Control Units for Oscillatory Waveforms and Frequency
    In: Membrane Computing. 13th International Conference (eds. E. Csuhaj-Varju, M. Gheorghe, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, G. Vaszil), Vol. 7762, Springer Verlag, 2013, 208-227
    bibtexExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]


    T. Hinze
    Unraveling Oscillating Structures by Means of P Systems
    In: Research Topics in Membrane Computing (eds. M. Gheorghe, G. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez), University of Sevilla, 2012, 39-42
    bibtexExterner Link |  pdf Externer Link |  url Externer Link ]

    I. Heiland, C. Bodenstein, T. Hinze, O. Weisheit, O. Ebenhoeh, M. Mittag and S. Schuster
    Modelling temperature entrainment of circadian clocks using the Arrhenius equation and a reconstructed model from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    Journal of Biological Physics 38 (3), 2012, 449-464
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, C. Bodenstein, B. Schau, I. Heiland, S. Schuster
    Chemical Analog Computers for Clock Frequency Control Based on P Modules
    In: Membrane Computing. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (CMC12) (eds. M. Gheorghe, G. Paun, R. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, S. Verlan), Springer Verlag, Vol. 7184, 2012, 182-202
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]

    G. Gruenert, G. Escuela, P. Dittrich, T. Hinze
    Morphological Algorithms: Membrane Receptor-ligand Interactions and Rule-based Molecule Graph Evolution for Exact Set Cover Problems
    In: Membrane Computing. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (CMC12) (eds. M. Gheorghe, G. Paun, R. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, S. Verlan), Springer Verlag, Vol. 7184, 2012, 160-181
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link ]


    T. Hinze, M. Schumann, C. Bodenstein, I. Heiland, S. Schuster
    Biochemical Frequency Control by Synchronisation of Coupled Repressilators: An In-silico Study of Modules for Circadian Clock Systems.
    Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, 2011, ID 262189
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link |  url Externer Link |  PudMed-ID: 22046179Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, C. Bodenstein, I. Heiland, S. Schuster
    Capturing Biological Frequency Control of Circadian Clocks by Reaction System Modularization
    ERCIM News 85, 2011, 27-29
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, M. Schumann, S. Schuster
    Synchronisation of Biological Clock Signals: Capturing Coupled Repressilators from a Control Systems Perspective
    In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS2011) (eds. F. Babiloni, A. Fred, J. Filipe, H. Gamboa), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information Control and Communication, SciTePress, ISBN 978-989-8425-35-5, 2011, 101-106
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]


    Membrane Computing. Eleventh International Conference, CMC 2010, Jena, Germany, August 24-27, 2010. Revised Selected Papers.
    M. Gheorghe, T. Hinze, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa (Eds.), Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 6501), Subseries: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues , Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2010, 393, ISBN: 978-3642181221
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link ]

    Proceedings Compendium of the Fourth Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC2010) and of the First Workshop on Applications of Membrane Computing, Concurrency, and Agent-based Modelling in Population Biology (AMCA-POP2010)
    J. Behre, G. Escuela, T. Hinze (Eds.), ProBusiness Verlag, Berlin 2010, 238, ISBN: 978-3-86805-767-6
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    G. Escuela, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich, S. Schuster, M. Moreno
    Modelling Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fruits and Vegetables using Membrane Systems
    In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS2010) (eds. ), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information Control and Communication, INSTICC press, 2010, 306-311, ISBN: 978-989-674-018-4
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    G. Grünert, B. Ibrahim, T. Lenser, M. Lohel, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich
    Rule-based spatial modeling with diffusing, geometrically constrained molecules
    BMC Bioinformatics 11, 2010, 307
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  doi Externer Link |  PudMed-ID: 20529264Externer Link ]

    J. Decraene, T. Hinze
    A Multidisciplinary Survey of Computational Techniques for the Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Biochemical Networks
    Journal of Universal Computer Science 16 (9), 2010, 1152-1175
    bibtexExterner Link | abstractExterner Link |  url Externer Link ]

    M. Sturm, T. Hinze
    Verfahren zur Ausführung von mathematischen Operationen mittels eines DNA-Computers und DNA-Computer hierzu
    Deutsches Patent, DE 101 59 886 B4, IPC G06N 3/00 patent, Deutsches Patentamt München, 2010, granted 2010
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    G. Escuela, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich, S. Schuster, M. Moreno-Alvarez
    Applying Membrane Systems in Food Engineering
    In: Eight Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing (eds. M.A. Martinez-del-Amor, G. Paun, I. Perez-Hurtado, A. Riscos-Nunez), Fenix Editora, Sevilla 2010, 109-121, ISBN: 978-84-614-2357-6
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    H. Bordihn, R. Freund, T. Hinze, M. Holzer, M. Kutrib, F. Otto
    Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications - Vol. 263 (NCMA2)
    Austrian Computer Society 2010, ISBN: 978-3-85403-263-2
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    M. Gheorghe T. Hinze, G. Paun
    Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC11)
    ProBusiness Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN: 978-3-86805-721-8
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    G. Gruenert, B. Ibrahim, T. Lenser, M. Lohel, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich
    Rule-based spatial modeling with diffusing, geometrically constrained molecules.
    BMC Bioinformatics 11, 2010, 307
    bibtexExterner Link |  PudMed-ID: 20529264Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, J. Decraene, G.G. Mitchell, J. Behre, S. Schuster
    Towards a Unified Approach for the Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Cell Signalling Networks.
    In: Sequence and Genome Analysis: Methods and Applications (eds. Z. Zhao), iConcept Press, 2010, ch. 13, 227-257
    bibtexExterner Link |  pdf Externer Link ]

    T. Hinze, T. Lenser, G. Escuela, I. Heiland, S. Schuster
    Modelling Signalling Networks with Incomplete Information about Protein Activation States: A P System Framework of the KaiABC Oscillator
    In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC) (eds. G. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, A. Riscos-Nunez, A. Salomaa), Springer Verlag, 2010, 316-334
    bibtexExterner Link ]


    R. Haberland, T. Hinze
    Prolog-based XML processing for compact representation and deductive evaluation of biological reaction networks
    In: Abstract Booklet, International Conference Biosystems Analysis and Engineering (BioSys) (eds. G. Antranikian, D. Chiu, F. Keil, A. Liese, T.Scheper, A.-P. Zeng), University of Technology Hamburg, 2009, 27
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, R. Faßler, G. Escuela, B. Ibrahim, S. Schuster
    Computation by Synthetic Cell Signaling and Oscillating Processes Modelled using Mass-Action Kinetics
    In: Proceedings Booklet Fifth Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE) (eds. K. Ambos-Spies, B. Löwe, W. Merkle), University of Heidelberg 2009, 186-195
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    N. Matsumaru, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich
    Organization-Oriented Chemical Programming of Distributed Artifacts
    International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation 1 (4), 2009, 54-70
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, R. Fassler, T. Lenser, P. Dittrich
    Register Machine Computations on Binary Numbers by Oscillating and Catalytic Chemical Reactions Modelled using Mass-Action Kinetics
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20, 2009, 411-426
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    T. Hinze, R. Fassler, T. Lenser, N. Matsumaru, P. Dittrich
    Event-Driven Metamorphoses of P Systems
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5391, 2009, 231-245
    bibtexExterner Link ]


    T. Hinze, S. Hayat, T. Lenser, N. Matsumaru, P. Dittrich
    Biosignal-Based Computing by AHL Induced Synthetic Gene Regulatory Networks
    In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS) (eds. ), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information Control and Communication, 2008, 162-169
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    T. Lenser, N. Matsumaru, T. Hinze, P. Dittrich
    Tracking the Evolution of Chemical Computing Networks
    In: Proceedings of Artificial Life XI (eds. ), 2008, 343-350
    bibtexExterner Link ]

    S. Hayat, T. Hinze
    Toward integration of in vivo molecular computing devices: successes and challenges
    HFSP Journal 2, 2008, 239-243
    bibtexExterner Link ]


    T. Hinze, S. Hayat, T. Lenser, N. Matsumaru, P. Dittrich
    Hill Kinetics Meets P Systems: A Case Study on Gene Regulatory Networks as Computing Agents in silico and in vivo
    Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4860, 2007, 320-335
    bibtexExterner Link ]

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