Bücher Handapparat Bioinformatik

Literaturseminar Theoretische Systembiologie

Bücher Handapparat Bioinformatik
Foto: Ina Weiß

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schuster / Suman Chakraborty

SS 2024: In Präsenz (Dauer 1 Stunde)

Dienstags 13.00-14.00 Uhr
Raum 3423, Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2 (4. Etage)
Beginn: 02.04.2024 

Datum (DD/MM/YYYY) Vortragender Titel
02.04.2024 Prof. Stefan Schuster & Suman Chakraborty Introducing the course to the students and an overview of the papers.
09.04.2024 Prof. Stefan Schuster

Robustness during aging — A Systems Biology perspective

16.04.2024 Tatjana Malycheva Modeling the prey-predator interactions of amoeba and toxic and non-toxic bacteria
23.04.2024 Dr. Heiko Stark Digital twins in biology
30.04.2024 (Zoom talk) Maha Hasaneen Quantifying the larval growth in terms of weight, length and breadth by deterministic ordinary differential equations
07.05.2024 David Baier The fitness value of ecological information in a variable world. DOI: 10.1111/ele.14166
14.05.2024 Max Obländer The ecology of fear and inverted biomass pyramids. DOI: 10.1111/oik.06948
21.05.2024 Johanna Hellfors Bistability and switching behavior in moving animal groups. DOI: 10.22191/nejcs/vol4/iss1/1
28.05.2024  Cancelled Cancelled
04.06.2024 Wassili Dimitriew Using resource allocation minimal model to study Crabtree- and WarburQ-effects in fungi
11.06.2024 Suman Chakraborty Constitutive defense in plants against generalist and specialist insect herbivores. A modelling approach (1st part)
18.06.2024 Cancelled Cancelled
25.06.2024 Shalu Dwivedi Analyzing the dynamics in defense/counter-defense games among hosts and pathogens
02.07.2024 Wassili Dimitriew Dynamic optimization elucidates optimal higher-level pathogenicity strategies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Stand: 25.06.2024