symbol picture fatty acids

Genes and Biomolecules

symbol picture fatty acids
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  1. Schuster, Stefan, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Bioinformatics
  2. Wesp, Valentin Professorship of Bioinformatics

    Room 3422A
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
    07743 Jena

    Valentin Wesp
    Image: Fotostudio Gebhardt Jena

Protein aging

  • Project description

    The focus of the project lies on age-related protein damage that leads to aggregates. These cannot be degraded anymore and therefore accumulate until the cell suffers from major functional inhibitions and finally triggers apoptosis. The goal is to determine what are the most or also least susceptible targets in terms of oxydative damage. Also information from structure and prominent aggregate proteins will be included. Furthermore functional connections and domains will be examined in this context.

  • Literature
    • M. Fichtner, S. Schuster, H. Stark
      Influence of spatial structure on protein damage susceptibility: a bioinformatics approach
      Sci. Rep. 11, 2021, 4938
    • E. Barth, P. Sieber, H. Stark, S. Schuster
      Robustness during Aging — Molecular Biological and Physiological Aspects
      Cells 9 (8), 2020, 1862
    • M. Fichtner, S. Schuster, H. Stark
      Determination of scoring functions for protein damage susceptibility
      BioSystems 187, 2020, 104035, epub ahead of print
    • S. Schäuble, K. Klement, S. Marthandan, S. Münch, I. Heiland, S. Schuster, P. Hemmerich, S. Diekmann
      Quantitative model of cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence in primary human fibroblasts.
      PLoS ONE 7, 2012, e42150

Classification and combinatorics of amino acids and fatty acids.

  • Project description

    The first part of this project consists of investigating the combinatorial possibilities of aliphatic amino acids and fatty acids. For this purpose molecular classes with certain constrictions are chosen because an exhausting listing is not feasible. Mathematical computations as for example recursions on the resulting number sequences are conducted. One possible question is how many unbranched, unmodificated fatty acids with n C-atoms principally can exist. This leads to the fibonacci numbers. Additionally literature research is conducted to verify which combinations are actually synthesized by real organisms. The second part of the project deals with the development of novel classification attempts for amino acids to improve or supplement existing approaches. As we hope, this leads to novel insights into key questions of biochemical evolution.

  • Literature

Alternative splicing in fungi

  • Project description

    As in higher eukaryotes, fungal species can splice their mRNA in an alternative (differential) manner. But how wide-spread is this cellular process in the fungal kingdom and which processes of the microbial lifestyle are affected? Does alternative splicing facilitate multicellularity? Does it affect the switch from peaceful mutualism to pathogenic behavior?
    To address these issues, we analyze RNA-Seq data of various fungi, such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Cryptococcus neoformans. Several analysis tools are applied in order to identify (unknown) alternative splicing events. Detected alternatively spliced genes are viewed in a cell biological context. We study conservation of these genes and investigate phylogenetic distribution.

  • Literature
    • P. Sieber, E. Barth, M. Marz
      The landscape of the alternatively spliced transcriptome remains stable during aging across different species and tissues
      bioRxiv February, 2019, 541417
    • P. Sieber, K. Voigt, P. Kämmer, S. Brunke, S. Schuster, J. Linde
      Comparative study on alternative splicing in human fungal pathogens suggests its involvement during host invasion
      Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2018, 2313
    • P. Sieber, M. Platzer, S. Schuster
      The definition of open reading frame revisited.
      Trends in Genetics 34, 2018, 167-170
    • J. Linde, S. Duggan, M. Weber, F. Horn, P. Sieber, D. Hellwig, K. Riege, M. Marz, R. Martin, R. Guthke, O. Kurzai
      Defining the transcriptomic landscape of Candida glabrata by RNA-Seq.
      Nucleic acids research 43, 2015, 1392-1406