
Software for Simulating Metabolism

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The software listed below is freely available for academic users and for testing.

In case of commercial use, the users are kindly requested to contact us for agreeing on
a contract of utilization.

Services Description
METATOOL 5.1External link

Program for computing the nullspace matrix, elementary modes and other structural properties of biochemical reaction networks.

Octave and Matlab version.

Previous version 5.0External link METATOOL 4.xExternal link

Program for computing the nullspace matrix, elementary modes and other structural properties of biochemical reaction networks.

Stand-alone version.

BlockDiagExternal link Program for computing and block-diagonalizing the nullspace matrix to the stoichiometriy matrix of a chemical reaction network.
 External linkOptiModeExternal link Program for detecting the elementary mode with the highest molar yield for a specified substrate - product pair from the output file of METATOOL.
  SeparatorExternal link Program for decomposing of large biochemical networks in to smaller ones.
Reducing the number of modesExternal link A program to calculate elementary modes for the complete variety of external and internal metabolites and a program to calculate the approximated minimal number of modes.
NAD+ metabolismExternal link Visualisation of all the elementary modes computed with Metatool 5.1 in the analysis of the NAD+ metabolic network. More details about this analysis can be found in de Figueiredo et al. 2011External link.