symbol picture bioinformatics

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schuster

symbol picture bioinformatics
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  • Prof. Dr. S. Schuster
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • chemistry 2008
    Image: BI
  • group 2009
    Image: BI
  • 2009
    Image: IW
  • 2009
    Image: BI
  • JSMC 11.3.2010
    Image: JSMC
  • JSMC 11.3.2010
    Image: JSMC
  • 2010
    Image: IW
  • Habilitation von Thomas Hinze 2012
    Image: IW
  • group 2012
  • Behre 2012
    Image: IW
  • bioinformatics 2013
    Image: IW
  • May 2017
    Image: IW
  • Yellowstone 24.7.2017
    Image: BI
  • Curriculum vitae

    1981-1986: Undergraduate studies in Biophysics at Humboldt University, Berlin

    1986-1988: Graduate studies in Theoretical Biophysics at Humboldt University, Berlin
    (Supervisor: Professor Reinhart Heinrich)

    1988: PhD thesis entitled "Theoretical studies on the interrelation between time hierarchy in enzymatic reaction systems and optimization principles." For this thesis, I was awarded the degrees of both Dr. rer. nat. and Dr. sc. nat.

    1988-1991: Postdoc at Humboldt-University, in the group of Reinhart Heinrich

    September 1991-November 1992: Postdoc at the Université Bordeaux II, in the group of Professor Jean-Pierre Mazat

    December 1992-March 1993: Postdoc at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, in the group of Dr. Hans Westerhoff

    May 1993-April 1997: Senior scientist and lecturer in Biophysics at Humboldt-University, in the group of Reinhart Heinrich

    1996: Appointment as a "Privat-Dozent" (Reader) in Theoretical Biophysics

    May 1997-April 2003: Scientist at the Max Delbrück Center, Berlin-Buch, still teaching at Humboldt University

    August-October 1997: Visiting scientist at the University of Maribor (Slovenia), Dept. of Physics, in the group of Professor Milan Brumen

    August 1998-April 2003: Funding by a Heisenberg grant of the DFG

    November/December 1998: Working visit at Stuttgart University, Institute of Bioengineering

    Since May 2003: Head of the Chair of Bioinformatics at the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    2008-2014: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm

    Since 2008: Co-spokesman of the Jena Centre for Bioinformatics External link

  • Publications

    All publications from Prof. Schuster since 1987: link

    Short selection of research articles:

    P. Sieber, M. Platzer, S. Schuster
    The definition of open reading frame revisited
    Trends in Genetics 34, 2018, 167-170
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link ]

    S. Schuster
    A new solution concept for the ultimatum game leading to the Golden Ratio
    Scientific Reports 7, 2017, 5642
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link ]

    S. Schuster, M. Fichtner, S. Sasso
    Use of Fibonacci numbers in lipidomics - Enumerating various classes of fatty acids
    Scientific Reports 7, 2017, 39821
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link ]

    S. Pande, H. Merker, K. Bohl, M. Reichelt, S. Schuster, L.F. de Figueiredo, C. Kaleta , C. Kost
    Fitness and stability of obligate cross-feeding interactions that emerge upon gene loss in bacteria
    ISME Journal 8, 2014, 953–962
    bibtexExternal link |  doi External link ]

    K. Schmeisser, J. Mansfeld, D. Kuhlow, S. Weimer, K. Zarse, S. Priebe, I. Heiland, M. Birringer, M. Groth, A Segref, C. Werner, S. Schmeisser, S. Schuster, A. Pfeiffer, R. Guthke, M. Platzer, T. Hoppe, H. Cohen, D. Sinclair, M. Ristow
    Role of sirtuins in lifespan regulation is linked to methylation of nicotinamide
    Nature Chemical Biology 9, 2013, 693-700
    bibtexExternal link |  doi External link ]

    F. Wessely, M. Bartl, R. Guthke, P. Li, S. Schuster, C. Kaleta
    Optimal regulatory strategies for metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli depending on protein costs.
    Molecular Systems Biology 7, 2011, 515
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link |  url External link |  PudMed-ID: 21772263External link ]

    A. Rezola, L. F. de Figueiredo, M. Brock, J. Pey, A. Podhorski, C. Wittmann, S. Schuster, A. Bockmayr, F.J. Planes
    Exploring metabolic pathways in genome-scale networks via generating flux modes.
    Bioinformatics 27 (4), Feb, 2011, 534-540
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link |  PudMed-ID: 21149278External link ]

    S. Schuster, T. Pfeiffer, D.A. Fell
    Is maximization of molar yield in metabolic networks favoured by evolution?
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 252, 2008, 497-504
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 18249414External link ]

    A. von Kamp, S. Schuster
    Metatool 5.0: fast and flexible elementary modes analysis
    Bioinformatics 22, 2006, 1930-1931
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  pdf External link |  PudMed-ID: 16731697External link ]

    J.A. Papin, J. Stelling, N.D. Price, S. Klamt, S. Schuster, B.O. Palsson
    Comparison of network-based pathway analysis methods.
    Trends in Biotechnology 22, 2004, 400-405
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 15283984External link ]

    J. Stelling, S. Klamt, K. Bettenbrock, S. Schuster, ED. Gilles
    Metabolic network structure determines key aspects of functionality and regulation.
    Nature 420 (6912), 2002, 190-193
    bibtexExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 12432396External link ]

    S. Schuster, M. Marhl, T. Höfer
    Modelling of simple and complex calcium oscillations. From single-cell responses to intercellular signalling.
    European Journal of Biochemistry 269, 2002, 1333-1355
    bibtexExternal link |  doi External link |  PudMed-ID: 11874447External link ]

    S. Schuster, T. Pfeiffer, F. Moldenhauer, I. Koch, T. Dandekar
    Exploring the pathway structure of metabolism: decomposition into subnetworks and application to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
    Bioinformatics 18, 2002, 351-361
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 11847093External link ]

    S. Schuster, C. Hilgetag, J.H. Woods, D.A. Fell
    Reaction routes in biochemical reaction systems: algebraic properties, validated calculation procedure and example from nucleotide metabolism
    Journal of Mathematical Biology 45, 2002, 153-181
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link |  PudMed-ID: 12181603External link ]

    T. Pfeiffer, S. Schuster, S. Bonhoeffer
    Cooperation and competition in the evolution of ATP-producing pathway
    Science 292, 2001, 504-507
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 11283355External link ]

    S. Schuster, DA. Fell, T. Dandekar
    A general definition of metabolic pathways useful for systematic organization and analysis of complex metabolic networks
    Nat Biotechnol 18, 2000, 326-332
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 10700151External link ]

    S. Schuster, T. Dandekar, D.A. Fell
    Detection of elementary flux modes in biochemical networks: a promising tool for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering
    Trends in Biotechnology 17, 1999, 53-60
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  doi External link |  PudMed-ID: 10087604External link ]

    S. Schuster, D. Kahn, H.V. Westerhoff
    Modular analysis of the control of complex metabolic pathways
    Biophysical Chemistry 48, 1993, 1-17
    bibtexExternal link | abstractExternal link |  PudMed-ID: 8257764External link ]

  • Editorial Board

    2000-2008 Associate editor and since 2009 one of the editors of the journal BioSystemsExternal link.

    BioSystems encourages experimental, computational, and theoretical articles that link biology, evolutionary thinking, and the information processing sciences. The link areas form a circle that encompasses the fundamental nature of biological information processing, computational modeling of complex biological systems, evolutionary models of computation, the application of biological principles to the design of novel computing systems, and the use of biomolecular materials to
    synthesize artificial systems that capture essential principles of natural biological information processing.

  • Teaching

    A large number of topics in the study programme of biophysics from 1985 - 2003, e.g. General Biophysics, Biological Thermodynamics, Biological Systems Theory, Classical Mechanics, and Hydrodynamics. Moreover, I gave lecture series on "Modelling of Biochemical Reaction Systems" at Stuttgart University and the Max Planck Institute in Magdeburg. Since I work at Jena University, I give classes in "Introduction to Bioinformatics"External link, "External link"Metabolic and Regulatory Networks"External link,  "3D Structures in biological Macromolecules" and " Optimality Principles in Evolution".

    See: link (in german)

  • Research