

Three species of duckweed of three genera coexist on one water body: Landoltia punctata (here the largest species), Lemna aequinoctialis (medium size) and Wolffia globosa (smallest size).
Image: Appenroth und Lam (2012)
  • Research Focus

    2. Phytotoxizität von Schwermetallen

    In einer ISO-Testvorschrift ist die Wasserlinse Lemna minor als Testobjekt für höhere Pflanzen festgeschrieben worden. In der Arbeitsgruppe wird untersucht, welche phytotoxischen Effekte spezifische Schwermetalle in Lemna minor auslösen und wie diese zum Zweck des Biomonitoring ausgenutzt werden können.


    (Siehe homepage von J. W. Cross: The Charms of DuckweedExternal link)

    Henke, R., Eberius, M., Appenroth, K.-J. (2011) Induction of frond abscission by metals and other toxic compounds in Lemna minor. Aquatic Toxicol. 101:261-265. 

    Appenroth, K.-J., Krech, K., Keresztes, A., Fischer, W., Koloczek, H. (2009)  Effects of nickel on the chloroplasts of the duckweeds Spirodela polyrhiza and Lemna minor and their possible use in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. Chemosphere 78:216-223.

    2. Turionenbildung in der Vielwurzeligen Teichlinse Spirodela polyrhiza

    Spirodela polyrhiza bildet Überdauerungsorgane (Turionen), die der Spezies helfen ungünstige klimatische Bedingungen (Winter) zu überleben. In der Arbeitsgruppe wird die Abhängigkeit dieses Entwicklungsabschnittes von exogenen Faktoren untersucht.


    APPENROTH, K.-J., PALHARINI, L., ZIEGLER, P. (2013) Low molecular weight carbohydrates modulate dormancy and are required for post-germination growth in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. Plant Biology 15: 284-291.

    KÜHDORF, K., JETSCHKE, G., BALLINI, L., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2014) The clonal dependence of turion formation in the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza - an ecogeographical approach. Physiologia Plantarum 150: 46-54. 

    3. Molekulare Charakterisierung der Wasserlinsengewächse (Lemnaceae)

    Lemnaceen sind aufgrund Ihrer morphologischen Reduktion nur schwer zu unterscheiden und den 37 bekannten Arten zuzuordnen. Auf morphologischer Basis ist das nur den besten Experten der Welt möglich. Wegen der praktischen Verwendung und der Tatsache, dass das Genom von Spirodela polyrhiza noch Ende 2009 sequenziert sein wird, haben wir uns zu einer molekularen Methode entschlossen, die Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) heißt. Zusätzlich laufen Arbeiten zum Sequenzieren verschiedener Abschnitte. Diese Arbeit ist möglich, weil in unserer Stammsammlung etwa 200 Klone gehalten werden. Das Ziel besteht hauptsächlich in der Bestimmbarkeit unbekannter Klone, aber auch in der Systematik dieser kleinen Pflanzenfamilie.


    Wang, W., Haberer, G., Gundlach, H., Gläßer, C., Nussbaumer, T., Luo, M.-C., Lomsadze, A., Borodovsky, M., Kerstetter, R.A., Shanklin, J., Byrant D., Mockler, T., Appenroth, K.J., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Chow, J., Choi, C., Adam, C. , Cao,XH., Fuchs, J., Schubert, I., Rokhsar, D., Schmutz, J., Michael, T.P., Mayer, K.F.X., and Messing, J. (2014) The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction, fast growth and aquatic lifestyle. Nature Communications, 5:e3311.

    Bog, M., Schneider, P., Hellwig, F., Sachse, S., Kochieva, E.Z., Landolt, E., Appenroth, K.-J. (2013) Genetic characterization and barcoding of taxa in the genus Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid. (Lemnaceae) as revealed by two plastidic markers and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Planta 237:1-13.

  • Cooperations

    Prof. Dr. Halina Gabrys, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

    Prof. Dr. Aron Keresztes and Dr. Karoly Boka, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary

    Prof. Dr. Ramesh Sharma and Dr. Sreelakshmi Y., Central University of Hyderabad, India

    Prof. Dr. Eric Lam, Rutgers University NJ, USA

    Dr. Paul Ziegler, Universität Bayreuth, Germany

    Dr. K. Sowjanya Sree, Amity University Noida, India

  • Publikations
    • Published without peer-referee system

    SARIN, L.P; SREE, K.S; BOKA, K; KERESZTES, A; FUCHS, J; TYAGI, A.K; KHURANA, J.P; APPENROTH, K.J. (2023) Characterisation of a Spontaneous Mutant of Lemna gibba G3 (Lemnaceae). Plants 12: 2525. doi.org/10.3390/plants12132525

    OLAH, V; APPENROTH, K.-J; LAM, E; SREE, K.S. (2023) Sixth International Conference on Duckweed Research and Applications Presents Lemnaceae as a Model Plant System in the Genomics and Postgenomics Era. Plants 12: 2134. doi.org/10.3390/plants12112134.

    SREE, K.S; APPENROTH, K.-J; OELMUELLER, R. (2023) Sustainable Stress Management: Aquatic Plants vs.Terrestrial Plants. Plants 12: 2208. doi.org/10.3390/plants12112208.

    ZIEGLER, P; APPENROTH, K.-J; SREE, K.S. (2023) Survival Strategies of Duckweeds, the World’s Smallest Angiosperms. Plants 12: 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12112215.


    PETERSEN, F; DEMANN, J; von SALZEN, J; OLFS, HW; WESENTARP, H; WOLF, P; APPENROTH, KJ; ULBRICH, A. (2022) Re-circulating indoor vertical farm: Technicalities of an automated duckweed biomass production system and protein feed product quality evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production 380: 134894.

    BOG, M; BRAGLIA, L; MORELLO, L; MELO, KIN; SCHUBERT, I; SHCHEPIN, ON; SREE, KS; Xu, SQ; LAM, E; APPENROTH, KJ. (2022) Strategies for Intraspecific Genotyping of Duckweed: Comparison of Five Orthogonal Methods Applied to the Giant Duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. Plants 11: 3033.

    EDELMAN, M; APPENROTH, KJ; SREE, KS; OYAMA, T. (2022) Ethnobotanical History: Duckweeds in Different Civilizations. Plants 11: 2124.

    PETERSEN, F; DEMANN, J; RESTEMEYER, D; OLFS, HW; WESTENARP, H; APPENROTH, KJ; ULBRICH, A. (2022) Influence of Light Intensity and Spectrum on Duckweed Growth and Proteins in a Small-Scale, Re-Circulating Indoor Vertical Farm. Plants 11: 1010.

    BOG, M; APPENROTH, KJ; SCHNEIDER, P; SREE, KS (2022) Intraspecific Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystems: Comparison between Spirodela polyrhiza and Lemna minor in Natural Populations of Duckweed. Plants 11: 968.

    SREE, KS; APPENROTH, KJ (2022) Starch accumulation in duckweeds (Lemnaceae) induced by nutrient deficiency. Emirate Journal of Food and Agriculture 34: 204-212.

    PARK, J; YOO, EJ; SHIN, K; DEPUYDT, S; LI, W; APPENROTH, KJ; LILLICRAP, AD; XIE, L; LEE, H; KIM, G; De SAEGER, J; CHOI, S; KIM, G; BROWN, MT; HAN, T. (2022) Interlaboratory Validation of Toxicity Testing Using the Duckweed Lemna minor Root-Regrowth Test. Biology 11: 37.

    APPENROTH, K.J., SCHUBERT, I., SREE, K.S. (2022) Das Comeback der Wasserlinse. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 75: 70-75

    FEDUNJUK, T., BOG, M., ORLOV, O., APPENROTH K.J. (2022) Lemna aequinoctialis migrates further into temperate continental Europe – A new alien aquatic plant for Ukraine. Feddes Repertorium 133: 305–312.


    DASH, T., APPENROTH, K.J., SREE, K.S. (2021) Microbial symbionts of aquatic plants. In: Shrivastava N., Mahajan S., Varma A. (eds) Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Soil Biology, vol 60. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51916-2_15

    BÖTTNER, L., GRABE, V., GABLENZ, S., BÖHME, N., APPENROTH, K.J., GERDHENZON, J.,  HUBER, M. (2021) Differential localization of flavonoid glucosides in an aquatic plant implicates different functions under abiotic stress. Plant, Cell & Environment in press. doi: 10.1111/pce.13974


    EDELMAN, M., APPENROTH, K.J., SREE, K. S. (2020) Editorial: Duckweed: Biological Chemistry and Applications. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:615135. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.615135

    SREE K.S., APPENROTH K.J. (2020) Worldwide Genetic Resources of Duckweed: Stock Collections. In: Cao X., Fourounjian P., Wang W. (eds) The Duckweed Genomes. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11045-1_3

    BOG, M., APPENROTH, K.J., SREE, K.S. (2020) Key to the determination of taxa of Lemnaceae: an update. Nordic Journal of Botany 38: No. e02658. DOI: 10.1111/njb.02658

    BOG, M., SREE, K.S., FUCHS, J., HOANG, P.T.N., SCHUBERT, I., KUEVER, J., RABENSTEIN, A., PAOLACCI, S., JANSEN, M.A.K., APPENROTH, K.J. (2020) A taxonomic revision of Lemna sect. Uninerves (Lemnaceae). Taxon 69: 56-66. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12188

    BOG, M., XU, S., HIMMELBACH, A., BRANDT, R., WAGNER, F., APPENROTH, K.J., SREE, K.S. (2020) Genotyping-by-sequencing for species delimitation in Lemna section Uninerves Hegelm. (Lemnaceae). Pp. 115–123 In: Cao X., Fourounjian P., Wang W. (eds) The Duckweed Genomes. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11045-1_11


    BOG, M., APPENROTH, K.J., SREE, K.S. (2019) Duckweed (Lemnaceae): Its molecular taxonomy. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3: No. 117. DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2019.00117

    ZIEGLER, P.; APPENROTH, K.J. (2019) Die Wasserlinse – eine unterschätzte Vielzweckpflanze. Biologie in unserer Zeit 49: 207 – 2013. DOI:10.1002/biuz.201910677

    XU, S.Q.; STAPLEY, J.; GABLENZ, S.; BOYER, J.; APPENROTH, K.J.; SREE, K.S.; GERSHENZON, J.; WIDMER, A.; HUBER, M. (2019) Low genetic variation is associated with low mutation rate in the giant duckweed. Nature Communications 10: Article Number: 1857. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09796-5

    SREE, K.S.; DAHSE, H.M.; CHANDRAN, J.N.; SCHNEIDER, B.; JAHREIS, G.; APPENROTH, K.J. (2019) Duckweed for human nutrition: no cytotoxic and no anti-proliferativeeEffects on human cell lines. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 74: 223-224. DOI: 10.1007/s11130-019-00725-x

    ZIEGLER, P.; SREE, K.S.; APPENROTH, K.J. (2019) Duckweed biomarkers for identifying toxic water contaminants? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 14797-14822. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3427-7


    ZIEGLER, P.; SREE, K. S.; APPENROTH, K.J. (2018) Duckweed biomarkers for identifying toxic water contaminants? ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. Epub 2018 Nov 05. DOI:10.1007/s11356-018-3427-7

    HOANG, P.N.T.; MICHAEEL, T.P.; GILBERT, S.; Chu, P.; MOTLEY, S.T.; APPENROTH, K.J.; SCHUBERT, I.; LAM, E. (2018) Generating a high-confidence reference genome map of the Greater Duckweed by integration of cytogenomic, optical mapping, and Oxford Nanopore technologies. PLANT JOURNAL 96: 670-684. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14049

    APPENROTH*, K.J.; SREE, K.S.; BOG, M.; ECKER, J.; SEELIGER, C.; BOHM, V.; LORKOWSKI, S.; SOMMER, K.; VETTER, W.; TOLZIN-BANASCH, K.; KIRMSE, R.; LEITERER, M.; DAWCZYNSKI, C.; LIEBISCH, G.; JAHREIS, G. (2018) Nutritional Value of the Duckweed Species of the Genus Wolffia (Lemnaceae) as Human Food. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY 6: Article Number: 483. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00483

    BOG, M; LANDROCK, MF; DREFAHL, D, SREE, KS; APPENROTH, KJ (2018) Fingerprinting by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and barcoding by three plastidic markers in the genus Wolffiella Hegelm. Plant Systematics and Evolution 304, 373-386. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-017-1482-z


    * Published without peer-referee system

    FU, L; HUANG, M; HAN, BY, SUN, XP; SREE, KS; APPENROTH, KJ, ZHANG, J (2017) Flower induction, microscope-aided cross-pollination, and seed production in the duckweed Lemna gibba with discovery of a male-sterile clone. Scientific Reports 7, 3047. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03240-8.

    ZIEGLER, P; SREE, KS; APPENROTH, KJ (2017) The uses of duckweed in relation to water remediation. Desalination and Water Treatment 63, 327–342.

    APPENROTH, KJ; SREE, KS; BÖHM, V; HAMMANN, S; VETTER, W; LEITERER, M; JAHREIS, G (2017) Nutritional value of duckweeds (Lemnaceae) as human food. Food Chemistry 217, 266-273.


    APPENROTH, KJ; ZIEGLER, P; SREE, KS (2016) Duckweed as a model organism for investigating plant-microbe interactions in an aquatic environment and its applications. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 27, 94-106.

    ZIEGLER, P; SREE, KS; APPENROTH, KJ (2016) Duckweeds for water remediation and toxicity testing (Review). Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry. DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2015.1094701

    ECKSTEIN, A; JAGIEILO-FLASINSKA, D; LEWANDOWSKA, A; HERMANOWICZ, P; APPENROTH, KJ; GABRYS, H (2016) Mobilization of storage materials during light-induced germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 105, 271-281.

    SREE, KS; BOG, M; APPENROTH, KJ (2016) Taxonomy of duckweeds (Lemnaceae), potential new crop plants. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 28, 291-302.

    CAO, HX; VU, GTH; WANG, WQ; APPENROTH, KJ; MESSING, J; Schubert, I (2016) The map-based genome sequence of Spirodela polyrhiza aligned with its chromosomes, a reference for karyotype evolution. New Phytologist 209, 354-363.


    APPENROTH, KJ; SREE, KS; FAKHOORIAN, T; LAM, E (2015) Resurgence of duckweed research and applications: report from the 3rd International Duckweed Conference. Plant Molecular Biology 89, 647-654.

    SREE, KS; SUDAKARAN, S; APPENROTH, KJ (2015) How fast can angiosperms grow? Species and clonal diversity of growth rates in the genus Wolffia (Lemnaceae). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 37, article number 204.

    SREE, KS; KERESZTES, A; MUELLER-ROEBER, B; BRANDT, R; EBERIUS, M; FISCHER, W; APPENROTH, KJ (2015) Phytotoxicity of cobalt ions on the duckweed Lemna minor - Morphology, ion uptake, and starch accumulation. Chemosphere 131, 149-156.

    SREE, KS; ADELMANN,K; GARCIA, C; LAM, E; APPENROTH, KJ (2015) Natural variance in salt tolerance and induction of starch accumulation in duckweeds. Planta 241,1395-1404.

    XU, Y., MA, S., HUANG, M., PENG, M., BOG, M., SREE, K.S, APPENROTH, K.J., ZHANG, J. (2015) Species distribution, genetic diversity and barcoding in the duckweed family (Lemnaceae). Hydrobiologia 743, 75-87.

    SREE, K.S., MAHESHWARI, S.C., BOKA, K., KHURANA, J.P., KERESZTES, A., APPENROTH, K.J. (2015) The duckweed Wolffia microscopica: A unique aquatic monocot. Flora 210, 31-39.

    APPENROTH, K. -J., ADAMEC, L. (2015) Specific turion yields of different clones of Spirodela polyrhiza depend on external phosphate thresholds. Plant Biology 17 (Suppl. 1): 125-129.

    BORISJUK, N., CHU, P., GUTIERREZ, R.; ZHANG, H., ACOSTA, K., FRIESEN, N., SREE, K.S., GARCIA, C., APPENROTH, K.J., LAM, E. (2015) Assessment, validation and deployment strategy of a two-barcode protocol for facile genotyping of duckweed species. Plant Biology 17 (Suppl. 1): 42-49.

    ZIEGLER, P., ADELMANN, K., ZIMMER, S., SCHMIDT, C., APPENROTH, K.J. (2015) Relative in vitro growth rates of duckweeds (Lemnaceae) - the most rapidly growing higher plants. Plant Biology 17 (Suppl. 1): 33-41.

    APPENROTH, K. -J., CRAWFORD, D. J., LES, D. H. (2015) After the genome sequencing of duckweed - how to proceed with research on the fastest growing angiosperm? Plant Biology 17 (Suppl. 1): 1-4.

    BOG, M., LAUTENSCHLÄGER, U., LANDROCK, M.F., LANDOLT, E., FUCHS, J., SREE, K.S., OBERPRIELER, C., APPENROTH, K.J. (2015) Genetic characterization and barcoding of taxa in the genera Landoltia and Spirodela (Lemnaceae) by three plastidic markers and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Hydrobiologia 749, 169-182.

    SREE, K.S., ADELMANN, K., GARCIA, C., LAM, E., APPENROTH, K.J. (2015) Natural variance in salt tolerance and induction of starch accumulation in duckweeds. Planta 241, 1395-1404.

    SREE, K.S., KERESZTES, A., MÜLLER-ROEBER, B., BRANDT, R., EBERIUS, M., FISCHER, W., APPENROTH, K.J. (2015) Phytotoxicity of cobalt ions on the duckweed Lemna minor - Morphology, ion uptake, and starch accumulation. Chemosphere 131, 149-156.

    CAO, H.X., VU, G.T.H., WANG, W., APPENROTH, K.J., MESSING, J., SCHUBERT, I. (2015) The map-based genome sequence of Spirodela polyrhiza aligned with its chromosomes, a reference for karyotype evolution. New Phytologist ePub 03 July 2015.


    GUPTA, S.K., SHARMA, S., SANTISREE, P., VASUKI, H., KILAMBI, H.V., APPENROTH, K., YELLAMARAJU, S., SHARMA, R. (2014) Complex and shifting interactions of phytochromes regulate fruit development in tomato. Plant Cell & Environment 37, 1688-1702.

    *SREE, K.S., APPENROTH, K.J. (2014) Increase of starch accumulation in the duckweed Lemna minor under abiotic stress. Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13 (Special Edition), 11-14.

    KÜHDORF, K., JETSCHKE, G., BALLANI, L., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2014) The clonal dependence of turion formation in the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza - an ecogeographical approach. Physiologia Plantarum 150, 46-54. 

    WANG, W., HABERER, G., GUNDLACH, H., GLÄßER, C., NUSSBAUMER, T., LUO, M.-C., LOMSADZE, A., BORODOVSKY, M., KERSTETTER, R.A., SHANKLIN, J., BYRANT D., MOCKLER, T., APPENROTH, K.J., GRIMWOOD, J., JENKINS, J., CHOW, J., CHOI, C., ADAM, C. , CAO,XH., FUCHS, J., SCHUBERT, I., ROKHSAR, D., SCHMUTZ, J., MICHAEL, T.P., MAYER, K.F.X., AND MESSING, J. (2014) The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction, fast growth and aquatic lifestyle. Nature Communications 5:e3311.

    LAM, E., APPENROTH, K.-J., MICHAEL, T., MORI, K., FAKHOORIAN, T. (2014) Duckweed in bloom: the 2nd International Conference on Duckweed Research and Applications heralds the return of a plant model for plant biology. Plant Molecular Biology 84, 737-742.


    APPENROTH, K.-J., PALHARINI, L., ZIEGLER, P. (2013) Low molecular weight carbohydrates modulate dormancy and are required for post-germination growth in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. Plant Biology 15, 284-291.

    URBANSKA, K.M., CRAWFORD, D.J., APPENROTH, K.-J., LES, D.H. (2013) Elias Landolt (July 21, 1926 - April 1, 2013) Obituary. Aquatic Botany 111: A1-A2. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2013.10.002

    BOG, M., SCHNEIDER, P., HELLWIG, F., SACHSE, S., KOCHIEVA, E.Z., LANDOLT, E., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2013) Genetic characterization and barcoding of taxa in the genus Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid. (Lemnaceae) as revealed by two plastidic markers and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Planta 237, 1-13.


    ZHAO, H., APPENROTH, K.J., LANDESMAN, L., SALMEAN, A.A., LAM, E. (2012) Duckweed rising at Chengdu: Summary of the 1st International Conference on Duckweed Application and Research. Plant Molecular Biology 78, 627-632.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., LAM, E. (2012) Ein "Unkraut" mit vielen verborgenen Qualitäten. Wasserlinsen als Nutzpflanzen. Biologie in unserer Zeit 42, 181-187.

    ZHAO, H., APPENROTH, K., LANDESMAN, L., SALMEAN, A.A., LAM, E. (2012) Duckweed rising at Chengdu: summary of the 1st International Conference on Duckweed Application and Research. Plant Molecular Biology 78, 627-632.

    KÜHDORF, K., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2012) Influence of salinity and high temperature on turion formation in the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. Aquatic Botany 97, 69-72.


    HENKE, R., EBERIUS, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2011) Induction of frond abscission by metals and other toxic compounds in Lemna minor. Aquatic Toxicol. 101, 261-265.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KERESZTES, A., FISCHER, W., KRZYSZTOFOWICZ, E., GABRYS, H. (2011) Light-induced degradation of starch granules in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza studied by electron microscopy. Plant Cell Physiol 52, 384-391.


    TOPP, C., HENKE, R., KERESZTES, A., FISCHER, W., EBERIUS, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2010) A novel mechanism of abscission in fronds-connecting stipes of Lemna minor L. and the effect of silver ions. Plant Biology 13, 517-523.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KRECH, K., KERESZTES, A., FISCHER, W., KOLOCZEK, H. (2010) Effects of nickel on the chloroplasts of the duckweeds Spirodela polyrhiza and Lemna minor and their possible use in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. Chemosphere 78, 216-223.

    BOG, M., BAUMBACH, H., SCHWEEN, U., HELLWIG, F., LANDOLT, E., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2010) Genetic structure of the genus Lemna L. (Lemnaceae) as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Planta 232, 609-619.

    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2010) The definition of heavy metals and their role in biological systems. Chapter 2 In: A. Varma, I. Sherameti eds. Series: Soil Biology, Vol. 19, Soil Heavy Metals. Springer, Berlin.

    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2010) What are "heavy metals" in Plant Sciences? Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 32, 615-619.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KRECH, K., KERESZTES, A., FISCHER, W., KOLOCZEK, H. (2010) Effects of nickel on the chloroplasts of the duckweeds Spirodela polyrhiza and Lemna minor and their possible use in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. Chemosphere 78, 216-223.


    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2009) The definition of heavy metals and their role in biological systems. Chapter 2 In: A. Varma, I. Sherameti eds. Series: Soil Biology, Vol. 19, Soil Heavy Metals. Springer, Berlin.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., NICKEL, G. (2009) Induction of turion formation in Spirodela polyrhiza under close-to-nature conditions: The environmental signals that induce the developmental process in nature. Physiologia Plantarum 138,  312-320

    BACU, A., THOMAJ, F., LOESER, C., APPENROTH, K. (2009) AFLP-s and RAPD-s reveal important differences among olive (Olea europea L.) varieties of Albania. Proceedings of International Conference on Biological and Environmental Sciences, pp. 220-227. ISBN: 978-99956-05-85-8.


    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2008) Degradation of storage starch as a photomorphogenetic event: Turions of the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza represent a novel model system for starch degradation in plants. IPS News Letter 19-28.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., LUTHER, A., JETZSCKE, G., GABRYS, H. (2008) Modification of chromate toxicity by sulphate in duckweeds (Lemnaceae). Aquatic Toxicology 89, 167-171.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., ZIEGLER, P (2008) Light-induced degradation of storage starch in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza depends on nitrate. Plant Cell Environment 31, 1450-1469.

    STAEGER, M., BIRCKNER, E., APPENROTH, K.-J., HIPPLER, M. (2008) Photosystem I and its associated light-harvesting proteins are prime targets of iron deficiency in vascular plants. in preparation.

    GRUBER, H., WIESSNER, A., KUSCK, P., KAESTNER, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2008) Physiological Responses Of Juncus Effusus (Rush) To Chromium And Relevance For Wastewater Treatment In Constructed Wetlands. International Journal of Phytoremediation 10, 79 - 90.


    SHAH, K., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2007) Heavy Metal Stress and MAP Kinases in Rice. In: Applications of Biotechnology, Eds. B. N. Tripathi, G.S. Shekhawat, Vinay Sharma, Aavishkar Publisers, Distributors, Japur 302 003 (Raj.) India, pp 149-166.

    REIMANN, R., ZIEGLER, P., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2007) The binding of a-amylase to starch plays a decisive role in the initiation of storage starch degradation in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Physiologia Plantarum 129, 334-341.

    NAUMANN, B., EBERIUS, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2007) Growth rate based dose-response relationships and EC-values of ten heavy metals using the duckweed growth inhibition test (ISO 20079) with Lemna minor L. clone St. - Journal of Plant Physiology, 164, 1656-1664.


    APPENROTH, K.-J., SHAH, K. (2006) Plants for heavy metal toxicity assessment: Duckweeds (Lemnaceae). - Advances in Plant Physiology Vol 9 (Ed. A. Hemantaranjan), 193-204, Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., LENK, G., GOLDAU, L., SHARMA, R. (2006) Tomato seed germination: Regulation of different response modes by phytochrome B2 and phytochrome A. - Plant, Cell & Environment 29, 701-709.


    KASZYCKI, P., GABRYS, H., APPENROTH, K.-J., JAGLARZ, A., WALCZAK, T., KOLOCZEK, H. (2005) Exogenously applied sulphate as a tool to investigate transport and reduction of chromate in the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. Plant, Cell & Environment 28, 260-268.


    REIMANN, R., HIPPLER, M., MACHELETT, B., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2004) Light induces phosphorylation of glucan water dikinase, which precedes starch degradation in turions of the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. - Plant Physiology 135, 121-128.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., TELLER, S. (2004) Are NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase and ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase co-regulated by the same photoreceptors? - Planta 218, 775-783.


    APPENROTH, K.-J., GABRYS, H. (2003) Ion antagonism between calcium and magnesium in phytochrome-mediated degradation of storage starch in Spirodela polyrhiza. - Plant Science 165, 1261-1265.

    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2003) No photoperiodoc control of the formation of turions in eight clones of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Journal of Plant Physiology 160, 1329-1334.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., LILLO, C. (2003) Nitratreduktase - Schlüsselenzym der Nitratassimilation. - Biologie in unserer Zeit 33 (5), 286-293.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KERESZTES, Á., SARVARI, É., JAGLARZ, A., FISCHER, W. (2003) Multiple effects of chromate on Spirodela polyrhiza: Electron microscopy and biochemical investigations. - Plant Biology 5, 315-323.


    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2002) Clonal differences in the formation of turions are independent of the specific turion-inducing signal in Spirodela polyrhiza (Great duckweed). - Plant Biology 4, 688-693.

    *APPENROTH, K.-J., REIMANN, R., KROK, F., SZYMONSKA, J. (2002) Starch grain surface and starch degradation in turions of the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza (Lemnaceae). - Zywnosc Nauka Techologia Jakosc (Food Technology Quality). 4(33), 65-73.

    SOKOLOVSKII, S. G., APPENROTH, K. J. (2002) Change of the vectors of endogeneous ion currents upon light-induced germination of turions Spirodela polyrhiza. - Biofizika 47, 696-700. (Russian Language)

    SOKOLOVSKII, S. G., APPENROTH, K. J. (2002) Change in the vectors of endogenously generated ion currents during light-induced germination of turions of the Giant Duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. - Biophysics 47, 646-649.

    APPENROTH, K.-J. (2002) Co-action of temperature and phosphate in inducing turion formation in Spirodela polyrhiza (Great duckweed). - Plant, Cell & Environment 25, 1079-1085.

    POPOVA, T. N., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2002) Cytosolic and chloroplastic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases in Spirodela polyrhiza. II. Regulation of enzyme capacity. - Journal of Plant Physiology 159, 239-244.

    POPOVA, T. N., RAKHMANOVA, T. I., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2002) Cytosolic and chloroplastic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases in Spirodela polyrhiza. I. Regulation of activity by metabolites in vitro. - Journal of.Plant Physiology 159, 231-237.

    REIMANN, R., RITTE, G., STEUP, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2002) Association of alpha-amylase and the R1 protein with starch granules precedes the initiation of net starch degradation in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Physiologia Plantarum 114, 2-12.


    LILLO, C., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2001) Light regulation of nitrate reductase in higher plants: Which photoreceptors are involved? (Review) - Plant Biology 3, 455-465.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., STÖCKEL, J., SRIVASTAVA, A., STRASSER, R.J. (2001) Multiple effects of chromate on the photosynthetic apparatus of Spirodela polyrhiza as probed by direct, time-resolved chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements. - Environmental Pollution 115, 49-64.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., GABRYS, H. (2001) Light-induced starch degradation in non-dormant turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Photochemistry and Photobiology 73, 77-82.


    SOKOLOVSKY, S.G., APPENROTH, K.-J. (2000) Light-induced germination and endogenous ion currents in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Journal of Plant Physiology 156, 684-688.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., MECO, R., JOURDAN, V., LILLO, C. (2000) Phytochrome and post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase in higher plants. - Plant Science 159, 51-56.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., BISCHOFF, M., GABRYS, H., STÖCKEL, J., SWARTZ, H. M., WALCZAK, T., WINNEFELD, K. (2000) Kinetics of chromium(V) formation and reduction in fronds of the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza - a low-frequency EPR study. - Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 78, 235-242.

    Before 2000

    * Published without peer-referee system

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H., LIEBERMANN, B. (1982) Ein genaues und schnelles Verfahren zur quantitativen Proteinbestimmung auf der Grundlage einer verbesserten Farbstoffbindungsmethode. Pharmazie 37, 378 - 379.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H., LIEBERMANN, B., FEIST, H. (1982) Effects of light quality on amino acid composition of proteins in Wolffia arrhiza (L.) WIMM. using a specially modified BRADFORD method.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 177, 251 - 258.

    HERMANN, G., KIRCHHOF, B., APPENROTH, K.-J., MÜLLER, E. (1983) Fluorescence emission and fluorescence excitation spectra of large phytochrome measured in dependence on the excitation and emission wavelength.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 178, 177 - 181.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., HERMANN, G., AUGSTEN, H., MÜLLER, E. (1985) Photokinetic and photophysical parameters of the blue light induced phototransformation of phytochrome in the presence of flavin.- Physiologia Plantarum 63, 258 - 264.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KOMUSIEWICZ, J., HERMANN, G., AUGSTEN, H. (1985) Photokinetic analysis of phytochrome phototransformation by difference equations.- studia biophysica 106, 111 - 120.

    HERMANN, G., APPENROTH, K.-J., MÜLLER, E., AUGSTEN., H. (1985) Re-examination of the partial quantum yields for the phytochrome photoconversion by adequate photokinetic methods.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 180, 533 - 542.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1986) An improved acid blue 90-dye-binding method with equal sensitivity to albumin and globulin.- Zeitschrift für medizinische Laboratoriumsdiagnostik 27, 327 - 331.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., MOOTZ, M., AUGSTEN, H. (1986) Effect of light quality on the alanine and aspartate aminotransferases in Wolffia arrhiza L..- In: LAMBERS, H., NEETESON, J.J., STULEN, I., Fundamental, Ecological and Agricultural Aspects of Nitrogen Metabolism in Higher Plants, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: 215 - 218.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1987) An improvement of the protein determination in plant tissues with the dye-binding method according to BRADFORD.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 182, 85 - 89.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1987) Photokinetische Analyse der Reaktion Pfr ---> Pr des informationsverarbeitenden Photorezeptors Phytochrom nach Bestrahlung mit dunkelrotem Licht.- Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) 268, 267 - 272.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1987) Red light irradiation of Wolffia arrhiza does not influence transcription activity of isolated DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II. Biologia Plantarum 29, 430 - 436.

    AUGSTEN, H., KUNZ, E., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1988) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. I. Phytochrome-mediated responses of light- and dark-grown turions.- Journal of Plant Physiology 132, 90 - 93.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., HERTEL, W., JUNGNICKEL, F. and AUGSTEN, H. (1989) Influence of nutrient deficiency and light on turion formation in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 184, 395 - 403.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., OPFERMANN, J., HERTEL, W., AUGSTEN, H. (1989): Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. II. Influence of after-ripening on germination kinetics.- Journal of Plant Physiology. 135, 274 - 279.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1990) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. V. Demonstration of a calcium-requiring phase during phytochrome-mediated germination.- Photochemistry and Photobiology 52, 61 - 66.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., HERTEL, W., AUGSTEN, H. (1990) Phytochrome control of turion formation in Spirodela polyrhiza.- Annals of Botany 66, 163 - 168.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., HERTEL, W., AUGSTEN, H. (1990) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. The cause of germination inhibition by overcrowding.- Biologia Plantarum 32, 420 - 428.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KLINGER, R., WETZKER, R., AUGSTEN, H. (1990) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. IV. Importance of calcium and calmodulin.- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 186, 209 - 219.

    WALCZAK, T., GABRYS, H., APPENROTH, K.J. (1990) Is there a third photoreceptor involved in the control of chloroplast movement of Mougeotia ? - Plant Physiology 94, 221 - 226.

    WEJNAR, R., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1990) Studies on photosynthetic pigments in Lemnaceae. XI. The bleaching effect of norflurazon (SAN 9789) in de-etiolating and autotrophically cultivated fronds of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN in comparison with Lemna gibba L.- Angewandte Botanik 64, 401 -410.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1991) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN IX. Interaction of light and gibberellic acid in the removal of dormancy.- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology 11, 343 - 351.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., DATHE, W., HERTEL, W., AUGSTEN, H. (1991) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. VII. Action of jasmonic acid.- Journal of Plant Physiology 138, 345 - 349.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., KOMUSIEWICZ, J., HERTEL, W., AUGSTEN, H. (1991) Photophysiology of turion germination of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN VIII. Calcium dependence and ß-amylase activity.- Planta 186, 81 - 87.

    HERTEL, W., APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1991) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) SCHLEIDEN. VI. Coaction between phytohormones and phytochrome.- Acta Physiologia Plantarum 13, 27 - 35.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H., MOHR, H. (1992) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. X. Role of nitrate in the phytochrome-mediated response. - Plant, Cell & Environment 15, 743 - 748.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., OELMÜLLER, R., SCHUSTER, C., MOHR, H. (1992) Regulation of transcript level and synthesis of nitrate reductase by phytochrome and nitrate in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden . - Planta 188, 587 - 593.

    *AUGSTEN, H., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1992) Faktorenanalyse einer Phytochrom-vermittelten Reaktion (Der Austrieb der Turionen von Spirodela polyrhiza). pp. 24 - 42 In: Vom Organismus zum Molekül. Physiologische Prozesse, ihre Modellierung und Beeinflußbarkeit auf verschiedenen Ebenen (DAHSE, I., Hrsg.). ISBN 3-86007-103-3. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., BERGFELD, R. (1993) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. XI. Structural changes during red light induced responses. - Journal.of Plant Physioliology 141, 583 - 588.

    APPENROTH, K.-J. (1993) Die Vielwurzelige Teichlinse. Ohne Stickstoff "geht nichts". - Biologie In Unserer Zeit 23, 102 -107. (populärwissenschaftliche Arbeit)

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H., MATTNER, A., TELLER, S., DÖHLER, G. (1993) Effect of UV-B irradiation on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. - Jourmal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology 18, 215 - 220.

    XYLÄNDER, M., AUGSTEN, H., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1993) Influence of nickel on the life cycle of the duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. - Journal of Plant Physiology 142, 208 - 213.

    *XYLÄNDER, M., AUGSTEN, H., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1992) Photophysiology of turion germination in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. XII. Role of carbohydrate supply. - Plant Physiology (Life Science Advanced) 11, 214 - 245.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., DÜRR, S., GABRYS, H., SCHEUERLEIN, R. (1994) No regulation of 45calcium-uptake or release by phytochrome as an essential step in the transduction chain. - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 32, 429 - 435.

    TELLER, S., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1994) The appearance of glutamine synthetase in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden as regulated by blue and red light, nitrate and ammonium. - Journal of Experimental Botany 45, 1219 - 1226.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., OELMÜLLER, R. (1995) Regulation of transcript level and nitrite reductase activity by phytochrome and nitrate in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Physiologia Plantarum 93, 272 - 278.

    SRIVASTAVA, A., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1995) Interaction of EDTA and Iron on the Accumulation of Cd2+ in Duckweeds (Lemnaceae). - Journal of Plant Physiology 146, 173 - 176.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., TELLER, S., HORN, M. (1996) Photophysiology of turion formation and germination in Spirodela polyrhiza. - Biologia Plantarum 38, 95 - 106.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., AUGSTEN, H. (1996) Wasserlinsen und ihre Nutzung. - Biologie In Unserer Zeit 26, 187 - 194. (Populärwissenschaftliche Arbeit)

    TELLER, S., SCHMIDT, K.-H., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1996) Ferredoxin-dependent but not NADH-dependent glutamate synthase is regulated by phytochrome and a blue/UV-A light receptor in turtions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 34, 713 - 719.

    DÖLGER, K., TIRLAPUR, U.K., APPENROTH,K.-J. (1997) Phytochrome-regulated starch degradation in germinating turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Photochemistry and Photobiology 66, 124 - 127.

    LEY, S., DÖLGER, K., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1997) Carbohydrate metabolism as a possible modulator of dormancy in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. - Plant Science 129, 1 - 7.

    LILLO, C., PROVAN, F., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1998) Photoreceptors involved in the regulation of nitrate reductase in Spirodela polyrhiza. - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology 44, 205-210.

    LUKA, Z. A., XYLÄNDER, C., VAN LEEUWEN, N., SCHMIDT, K.-H., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1999) Different regulation of ß-amylase and starch phosphorylase by light in dormant and non-dormant turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Journal of Plant Physiology 154, 37-45.

    APPENROTH, K.-J., GABRYS, H., SCHEUERLEIN, R. W. (1999) Ion antagonism in phytochrome-mediated calcium-dependent germination of turions of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden. - Planta 208, 583-587.

    SCHWALBE, M., TELLER, S., OELMÜLLER, R., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1999) Influence of UVB irradiation on nitrate and ammonium asimilating enzymes in Spirodela polyrhiza. - Aquatic Botany 64, 19-34.

    TIRLAPUR, U. K., DAHSE, I., PROBANDT, R., FISCHER, W., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1999) Phytochrome-induced transmissible signal elicits germination response in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza. - Physiologia Plantarum 105, 539-545.

    *APPENROTH, K.-J. (1999) Schulversuch Pflanzenernährung. - Biologen heute. 2/99, 19.

    *APPENOTH, K.-J., MECO, R., JOURDAN, V., LILLO, C. (1999) Phytochrome and post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase. - Stavanger College Nr. 76, 1-13.


    PAETZOLD, R., APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M. (1976) Thermochromie und Photochromie arylsubstituierter Azine; Benzophenonanthraldazin.- Zeitschrift für Chemie 16, 446 - 447. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1980) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. II. Photokinetics.- Journal of Photochemistry 14, 39 - 50. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1980) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. III. Investigations on the mechanism of photochemical isomerization.- Journal of Photochemistry 14, 51-60. 

    APPENROTH, K. (1981) Über einen häufig begangenen Fehler bei der Auswertung von Lösungsmittel- und Substituenteneffekten.- Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) 262, 374 - 376. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1981) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. IV. Uncatalyzed and acid-catalyzed thermal isomerization.- Tetrahedron 37, 569 - 573. 

    PAETZOLD, R., REICHENBÄCHER, M., APPENROTH, K.-J. (1981) Die Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Doppelbindung: Spektren, Struktur, thermische und photochemische E/Z-Isomerisierung (Review).- Zeitschrift für Chemie 21, 421 - 430.

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1983) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. V. Quenching of the photochemical E-Z isomerization via Förster energy transfer.- Journal of Photochemistry 22, 263 - 273. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1983) Thermochromie und Photochromie arylsubstituierter acyclischer Azine; Zum Mechanismus der thermischen Z-E-Isomerisation.- Zeitschrift für Chemie 23, 149 - 150. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1983) Thermochromie und Photochromie arylsubstituierter acyclischer Azine; Spektroskopisches und photochemisches Verhalten bei Protonierung.- Zeitschrift für Chemie 23, 414 - 415. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (1983) Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der partiellen Quantenausbeute MN der Photoreaktion M <====> N.- Zeitschrift für Chemie 23, 311 - 312. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (+) (1983) Über die Darstellung und Charakterisierung von photochromen 2,3-Diaza-butadienen (Azinen).- Zeitschrift für Chemie 23, 413 - 414. 

    APPENROTH, K., REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R.(+) (1984) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. VII. Solvent effect on photochemical E-Z isomerization.- Journal of Photochemistry 24, 65 - 70. 

    REICHENBÄCHER, M., PAETZOLD, R. (+), APPENROTH, K. (1984) Synthese photochromer 2,3-Diazabutadiene (Azine).- Zeitschrift für Chemie 24, 21 - 23. 

    APPENROTH, K., BIRCKNER, E., REICHENBÄCHER, M. (1986) Thermochromie umnd Photochromie arylsubstituierter acyclischer Azine; Untersuchungen zum Fluoreszenzverhalten.- Zeitschrift für Chemie 26, 106 - 106. 

    APPENROTH, K., BIRCKNER, E., REICHENBÄCHER, M. (1987) Thermochromism and photochromism of arylsubstituted acyclic azines. X. Relationship between molecular geometry and fluorescence of anthranyl substituted compounds.- Journal of Photochemistry 37, 117 - 124.