Dr.Schwab, Dr. Sapers

Visiting scientist Dr. Haley Sapers

May, 2024
Dr.Schwab, Dr. Sapers
Image: Erica Perreca

We recently had the privilege of hosting Dr. Haley Sapers, an adjunct professor at York University in Toronto, as an AquaDiva Mercator Fellow. During her visit, Dr. Sapers collaborated intensively with AquaDiva associated Postdoc Laura Schwab to optimise and test the extraction of nucleic acids from saline sediments. This collaboration has been highly productive, and we are sure it  will lead to fruitful future collaborations. Beyond our scientific work, we had the pleasure of introducing Dr. Sapers to the beautiful city of Jena. We are deeply grateful for her visit and her invaluable contributions to our lab. Her expertise and enthusiasm have been truly inspiring.