Prof. Küsel keynote

Küsel lab members joined the International Symposium AquaDiva, Jena

Küsel lab at the AquaDiva International Symposium June 6-7, 2024
Prof. Küsel keynote
Image: Thomas Ritschel

Several members of the Küsel lab attended the International Symposium AquaDiva in Jena on June 6th and 7th. Our group leader and spokesperson of the CRC AquaDiva Prof. Kirsten Küsel opened the symposium with a keynote on the last 15 years of the AquaDiva project. Dr. Martina Herrmann gave an interesting talk on "Nitrogen transformation processes and their microbial key players in oligotrophic groundwater" in session 1 "Diving into subsurface life". In session 4 "Emerging techniques and strategies for observing the Critical Zone", our doctoral researcher Beatrix Heinze successfully presented her results on microbial methane oxidation in groundwater, while Dr. Martin Taubert clearly explained the ecological preferences and cultivation advances of groundwater candidate phyla radiation(CPR). In session 5 "Big data and E-Science - Explanatory and data-driven models for understanding ecosystem", Dr. Adjie Pratama presented his great work on how the hidden virosphere affects microbial community. We also had several poster presenters: Gabriele Beccacece, Md Atikur Rahman, Alisha Sharma, Lucia Winkler, Dr. Ekaterine Gabashvili, Dr. Nadine Möbius, Dr. He Wang, and Dr. Carl-Eric Wegner. It was a great symposium, where we shared memorable moments of scientific insight and enjoyed our time with all participating guests.


  • Prof. Küsel keynote
    Prof. Küsel keynote
    Image: Thomas Ritschel
  • Dr. Hermann talk
    Dr. Hermann talk
    Image: Katharina Lehmann
  • Rahman poster session
    Rahman poster session
    Image: Katharina Lehmann
  • Sharma poster session
    Sharma poster session
    Image: Katharina Lehmann
  • Heinze talk
    Heinze talk
    Image: Robert Lehmann
  • Dr. Taubert talk
    Dr. Taubert talk
    Image: Katahrina Lehmann
  • Dr .Pratama talk
    Dr .Pratama talk
    Image: Erica Perreca