

of the Bierhoff Group
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Recent publications

  • 2024
    • Sharifi S, Chaudhari P, Martirosyan A, Eberhardt AO, Witt F, Gollowitzer A, Lange L, Woitzat Y, Okoli EM, Li H, Rahnis N, Kirkpatrick J, Werz O, Ori A, Koeberle A, Bierhoff H, Ermolaeva M. Reducing the metabolic burden of rRNA synthesis promotes healthy longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):1702.
    • Ren S, Bai F, Schnell V, Stanko C, Ritsch M, Schenk T, Barth E, Marz M, Wang B, Pei XH, Bierhoff H. PAPAS promotes differentiation of mammary epithelial cells and suppresses breast carcinogenesis. Cell Rep. 2024;43(1):113644.
    • Bierhoff, H. Genetik, Epigenetik und Umweltfaktoren der Lebenserwartung – Welche Rolle spielt Nature-versus-Nurture beim Altern?. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024).
  • 2021
    • Schnoeder TM, Schwarzer A, Jayavelu AK, Hsu CJ, Kirkpatrick J, Dohner K, Perner F, Eifert T, Huber N, Arreba-Tutusaus P, Dolnik A, Assi SA, Nafria M, Jiang L, Dai YT, Chen Z, Chen SJ, Kellaway SG, Ptasinska A, Ng ES, Stanley EG, Elefanty AG, Buschbeck M, Bierhoff H, Brodt S, Matziolis G, Fischer KD, Hochhaus A, Chen CW, Heidenreich O, Mann M, Lane SW, Bullinger L, Ori A, Eyss BV, Bonifer C, Heidel F. PLCG1 is required for AML1-ETO leukemia stem cell self-renewal. Blood. 2021.
    • Greifenstein AA, Jo S, Bierhoff H. RNA:DNA triple helices: from peculiar structures to pervasive chromatin regulators. Essays Biochem. (2021) Apr 9:EBC20200089.
  • 2020
    • Joshi G, Eberhardt AO, Lange L, Winkler R, Hoffmann S, Kosan C, Bierhoff H. (2020).
      Dichotomous Impact of Myc on rRNA Gene Activation and Silencing in B Cell
      Lymphomagenesis. Cancers 12(10):3009.
      Sharifi S, da Costa HFR, Bierhoff H. 2020. The circuitry between ribosome biogenesis
      and translation in stem cell function and ageing. Mech Ageing Dev 189: 111282
  • 2019
    • Kofuji S, Hirayama A, Eberhardt AO, Kawaguchi R, Sugiura Y, Sampetrean O, Ikeda Y,
      Warren M, Sakamoto N, Kitahara S, Yoshino H, Yamashita D, Sumita K, Wolfe K,
      Lange L, Ikeda S, Shimada H, Minami N, Malhotra A, Morioka S, Ban Y, Asano M,
      Flanary VL, Ramkissoon A, Chow LML, Kiyokawa J, Mashimo T, Lucey G,
      Mareninov S, Ozawa T, Onishi N, Okumura K, Terakawa J, Daikoku T, Wise-
      Draper T, Majd N, Kofuji K, Sasaki M, Mori M, Kanemura Y, Smith EP, Anastasiou
      D, Wakimoto H, Holland EC, Yong WH, Horbinski C, Nakano I, DeBerardinis RJ,
      Bachoo RM, Mischel PS, Yasui W, Suematsu M, Saya H, Soga T, Grummt I,
      Bierhoff H, Sasaki AT. (2019). IMP dehydrogenase-2 drives aberrant nucleolar
      activity and promotes tumorigenesis in glioblastoma. Nat Cell Biol 21: 1003-14
  • 2018
    • Sharifi, S., and Bierhoff, H. (2018). Regulation of RNA polymerase I transcription in development, disease and aging. Annu Rev Biochem doi: 10.1146/annurev-biochem-062917-012612. [Epub ahead of print]
    • Bierhoff, H. (2018). Analysis of lncRNA-Protein Interactions by RNA-Protein Pull-Down Assays and RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP). Methods Mol Biol 1686, 241-250.
  • 2017
    • Brocks, D., Schmidt, C.R., Daskalakis, M., Jang, H.S., Shah, N.M., Li, D., Li, J., Zhang, B., Hou, Y., Laudato, S., Lipka, D.B., Schott, J., Bierhoff, H., Assenov, Y., Helf, M., Ressnerova, A., Islam, M.S., Lindroth, A.M., Haas, S., Essers, M., Imbusch, C.D., Brors, B., Oehme, I., Witt, O., Lubbert, M., Mallm, J.P., Rippe, K., Will, R., Weichenhan, D., Stoecklin, G., Gerhauser, C., Oakes, C.C., Wang, T., and Plass, C. (2017). DNMT and HDAC inhibitors induce cryptic transcription start sites encoded in long terminal repeats. Nat Genet 49, 1052-1060.
    • Zhao, Z. and Bierhoff, H. (2017). Nucleosome Positioning Assay. Bio-protocol 7(10): e2285. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2285
    • Evsyukov, V., Domanskyi, A., Bierhoff, H., Gispert, S., Mustafa, R., Schlaudraff, F., Liss, B., and Parlato, R. (2017). Genetic mutations linked to Parkinson's disease differentially control nucleolar activity in pre-symptomatic mouse models. Dis Model Mech 10, 633-643.
    • Schnöder, T.M., Eberhardt, J., Koehler, M., Bierhoff, H.B., Weinert, S., Pandey, A.D., Nimmagadda, S.C., Wolleschak, D., Johrens, K., Fischer, T., et al. (2017). Cell autonomous expression of CXCL-10 in JAK2V617F-mutated MPN. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 143, 807-820.
  • 2016
    • Zhao, Z., Dammert, M.A., Hoppe, S., Bierhoff, H., and Grummt, I. (2016). Heat shock represses transcription of rRNA genes by inactivation of TIF-IA and lncRNA-dependent changes in nucleosome positioning. Nucleic Acids Res 44, 8144-8152.
    • Zhao, Z., Dammert, M.A., Grummt, I., and Bierhoff, H. (2016). lncRNA-induced nucleosome repositioning reinforces transcriptional repression of rRNA genes upon hypotonic stress. Cell Rep 14, 1876-1882
  • 2015
    • Parlato, R., and Bierhoff, H. (2015). Role of nucleolar dysfunction in neurodegenerative disorders: a game of genes? AIMS Molecular Science 2: 211-224. DOI: 10.3934/molsci.2015.3.211
  • older
    • Bierhoff, H., Dammert, M.A., Brocks, D., Dambacher, S., Schotta, G., and Grummt, I. (2014). Quiescence-induced lncRNAs trigger H4K20 trimethylation and transcriptional silencing. Mol Cell 54, 675-682.
    • Bierhoff, H., Postepska-Igielska, A., and Grummt, I. (2014). Noisy silence: Non-coding RNA and heterochromatin formation at repetitive elements. Epigenetics 9, 53-61.
    • Kiryk, A., Sowodniok, K., Kreiner, G., Rodriguez-Parkitna, J., Sonmez, A., Gorkiewicz, T., Bierhoff, H., Wawrzyniak, M., Janusz, A.K., Liss, B., et al. (2013). Impaired rRNA synthesis triggers homeostatic responses in hippocampal neurons. Front Cell Neurosci 7, 207.
    • Kreiner, G.*, Bierhoff, H.*, Armentano, M., Rodriguez-Parkitna, J., Sowodniok, K., Naranjo, J.R., Bonfanti, L., Liss, B., Schutz, G., Grummt, I., et al. (2013). A neuro-protective phase precedes striatal degeneration upon nucleolar stress. Cell Death Differ 20, 1455-1464.
    • * equal contribution
    • Bierhoff, H., Schmitz, K., Maass, F., Ye, J., and Grummt, I. (2010). Noncoding transcripts in sense and antisense orientation regulate the epigenetic state of ribosomal RNA genes. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 75, 357-364.
    • Hoppe, S., Bierhoff, H., Cado, I., Weber, A., Tiebe, M., Grummt, I., and Voit, R. (2009). AMP-activated protein kinase adapts rRNA synthesis to cellular energy supply. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106, 17781-17786.
    • Bierhoff, H., Dundr, M., Michels, A.A., and Grummt, I. (2008). Phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 facilitates rRNA gene transcription by promoting dissociation of TIF-IA from elongating RNA polymerase I. Mol Cell Biol 28, 4988-4998.
    • Mayer, C., Bierhoff, H., and Grummt, I. (2005). The nucleolus as a stress sensor: JNK2 inactivates the transcription factor TIF-IA and down-regulates rRNA synthesis. Genes Dev 19, 933-941.
    • Arabi, A., Wu, S., Ridderstrale, K., Bierhoff, H., Shiue, C., Fatyol, K., Fahlen, S., Hydbring, P., Soderberg, O., Grummt, I., et al. (2005). c-Myc associates with ribosomal DNA and activates RNA polymerase I transcription. Nat Cell Biol 7, 303-310.
    • Pawlowski, A., Riedel, K.U., Klipp, W., Dreiskemper, P., Gross, S., Bierhoff, H., Drepper, T., and Masepohl, B. (2003). Yeast two-hybrid studies on interaction of proteins involved in regulation of nitrogen fixation in the phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. J Bacteriol 185, 5240-5247.