Concerning e-mail-communication and multiple sent requests:
All staff members generally have unrestricted access to all of the above e-mail addresses at all times. In the case of stand-in, it is therefore sufficient to use the e-mail address of the staff member responsible for you / or your concern as usual. In the event of stand-in, the mailbox of the deputized colleague will be checked and processed on a regular basis.
We therefore ask you to send messages only once. If you do not receive an answer within a reasonable processing time (depending on your request: usually 7-14 days), please remind us again of your request. Please refrain from sending your request to several staff members at the same time. This will help us to process your request as quickly as possible in our day-to-day business. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Friedrich Schiller University, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Room 135
Bachstraße 18k
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
like listed above.
Exam registrations and registration for specialization/project modules & theses, applications for imrovement of grades, medical certificates, Friedolin with respect to examinations, transcript of records, certificates, processing of de-registration forms
Friedrich Schiller University, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Room 136
Bachstraße 18k
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
like listed above.
Exam registrations and registration for specialization/project modules & theses, applications for imrovement of grades, medical certificates, Friedolin with respect to examinations, transcript of records, certificates, processing of de-registration forms
Friedrich Schiller University, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Room 137
Bachstraße 18k
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
as listed above
organizational advice, special and hardship cases, case processing (recognition of achievements, change of subject, certificates for student finance, applications for additonal, interdisciplinary and wildcard modules, withdrawals), timetable and examination planning, Friedolin/Friedolin 2.0, process and organizational development
Friedrich Schiller University, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Room 138
Bachstraße 18k
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
According to prior agreement
Friedrich Schiller University, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Room 138
Bachstraße 18k
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
According to prior aggreement