
of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
Filter the employee list
  1. Abendroth, Steven Professorship of Animal Physiology
  2. Adler, Sven Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  3. Agler, Matthew, Dr Junior Research Group Plant Microbiosis
  4. Agler-Rosenbaum, Miriam, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Synthetic Biotechnology
  5. Allen, Rosalind, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  6. Andrada, Emanuel, PD Dr Seniorprofessur Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer
  7. Appenroth, Klaus-J., Dr. habil. Professorship of Plant Physiology
  8. Arndt, Stefan, Dr Botanical Garden
  9. Bach, Thomas, Dr Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  10. Bach, Josefine Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 208.2
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Josefine Bach
    Image: Fotostudio Arlene Knipper
  11. Bachmann, Vivien Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  12. Bäcker, Marcel Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 203
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  13. Barber, Amelia, Ph.D. Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  14. Barf, Lisa-Marie Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  15. Barutia, Iulia Professorship of Animal Physiology
  16. Behrendt, Jacqueline Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  17. Bergmann, Tanja Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M4.401.05
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  18. Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus, apl. Prof. Dr Professorship of Ecology
  19. Berti, Emilio, Dr Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.21
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  20. Bierhoff, Holger, Dr Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 132
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Holger Bierhoff
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  21. Bing, Julia Professorship of Systematic Botany

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E004
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  22. Bischof, Roland Professorship Ecosystem Services

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  23. Bock, Bernhard Phyletic Museum
  24. Bögelein, Falko Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  25. Böhm, Volker, apl. Prof. Dr Bioactive Plant Products Research Group
  26. Bohr, Jörn, Dr Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  27. Bonn, Aletta, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship Ecosystem Services

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.02.24
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  28. Bopp, Thomas Botanical Garden
  29. Börmel, Lisa Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  30. Bornschlegell, Peter Klaus Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  31. Brabetz, Ramona Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

    Technikum Optik, Room 103
    Lessingstraße 8
    07743 Jena

  32. Brakhage, Axel A., Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Microbiology and Molecular Biology

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  33. Brand-Schön, Peggy Professorship for Microbial Communication
  34. Brandt, Christina, Prof. Dr Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Room 138A
    Bachstraße 18
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Christina Brandt
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  35. Brandt, Christina, Prof. Dr Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences

    Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, Room D203
    Berggasse 7
    07745 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Christina Brandt
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  36. Brassington, Phillip Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  37. Brehm, Gunnar, Dr Phyletic Museum
  38. Breidel, Ilona Botanical Garden
  39. Bröcher, Maximilian Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 413
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  40. Brose, Ulrich, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.23
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  41. Brouns, Roos Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 105
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  42. Brückner, Claudia Doreen Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  43. Bruggink, Vera Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  44. Bucher, Solveig Franziska, Dr Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 102/103
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  45. Buchwald, Silvana Professorship of General Botany
  46. Burgunter-Delamare, Bertille, Dr Professorship of General Botany
  47. Burow, Katja Professorship for Microbial Communication
  48. Busch, Anne, Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  49. Cabon, Lilian Pierre Eugène Professorship of Population Ecology
  50. Carl, Nina Professorship for Microbial Communication
  51. Castillo, Elio Rodrigo Daniel Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 407
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  52. van Cauwenberghe, Jannick, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 202
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Jannick Van Cauwenberghe
    Image: Jannick Van Cauwenberghe
  53. Cañiza Ovelar, Bernardo D. Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

    Bernardo D. Cañiza Ovelar
    Image: Bernardo D. Cañiza Ovelar
  54. Chakraborty, Suman Professorship of Bioinformatics

    Room 3427
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
    07743 Jena

     Suman Chakraborty
    Image: Suman Chakraborty
  55. Chatterjee, Arnab Professorship of Ecology

    Room 424
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  56. Cheng, Xinyi Professorship of Population Ecology
  57. Ching Kuma Mbanghanih, Joel Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  58. Christian, Marcelo Professorship of Animal Physiology
  59. Coors, Steffi Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  60. Creutzburg, Sylvia Professorship of Ecology
  61. Creutzburg, Sylvia Professorship for Microbial Interactions

    Mikrobielle Kommunikation
    Neugasse 25
    07743 Jena

    Sylvia Creutzburg
    Image: Sylvia Creutzburg
  62. Czech, Kai Botanical Garden
  63. D'Agostino, Federico, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  64. Dahlke, Philipp Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  65. van Dam, Nicole, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship Plant Biotic Interactions
  66. Das, Rajaditya Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.21
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  67. Dawczynski, Christine, Dr Junior Research Group Nutritional Concepts
  68. Deilmann, Till J. Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Inspektorhaus, Room D103
    Fürstengraben 26
    07743 Jena

    Till Jonathan Deilmann
    Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
  69. Dietrich, Ralf Botanical Garden
  70. Dimitriew, Wassili Professorship of Bioinformatics

    Room 3427
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
    07743 Jena

    Wassili Dimitriew
    Image: Wassili Dimitriew
  71. Dittiger, Lukas Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Schirawski)
  72. Döhler, Sandra Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  73. Doijad, Swapnil Prakash, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 204
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  74. Dörner, Sebastian Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  75. Dutilh, Bas, Prof. Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 103
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  76. Dwivedi, Shalu Professorship of Bioinformatics

    Room 3422A
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
    07743 Jena

    Shalu Dwivedi
    Image: Suman Chakraborty
  77. Dyer, Alexander Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.24
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  78. Ebeling, Anne, Dr. habil. Professorship of Population Ecology
  79. Eberhardt, Alexander Otto Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 120
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Alexander Eberhardt
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  80. Eisman, Steffen Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 507
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  81. Engel, Thore Professorship Ecosystem Services

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.01.26
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  82. Engmann, Olivia, PD Dr AG Neuroepigenetik

    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Dr. Olivia Engmann
    Image: courtesy of Wolfgang Unger
  83. Erler, Katrin Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  84. Escobar Doncel, Alvaro Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  85. Espindola, Walter D. Professorship of Population Ecology
  86. Fabisch, Maria, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 315
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  87. Fabre, Laura Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  88. Felbel, Katja Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
  89. Feldhinkel, Christian Botanical Garden
  90. Felgentreff, Esther Sophie Professorship of Ecology
  91. Figge, Marc Thilo, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Applied Systems Biology

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  92. Figueroa Zimmermann, Consuelo Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  93. Figueroa Zimmermann, Consuelo Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  94. Fischer, Katrin Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  95. Fischer, Angela Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
  96. Fischer, Manuel Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
  97. Fischer, Martin S., Univ.-Prof. Dr Seniorprofessur Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer
  98. Fölsche, Undine Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  99. Förster, Angela Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 137
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  100. Franke, Eva-Maria Professorship of Systematic Botany
  101. Franken, Philipp, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Molecular Phytopathology

    Forschungsstelle für gartenbauliche Kulturpflanzen
    Kühnhäuser Str. 101
    99090 Erfurt

  102. Friedrichs-Manthey, Martin Professorship Ecosystem Services

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.02.06
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  103. Fröhlich, Kathrin, Dr Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E1
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  104. Funai, Benjamin Professorship for Microbial Communication
  105. Furch, Alexandra, PD Dr Professorship of Plant Physiology
  106. Gabashvili, Ekaterine, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 307
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Ekaterine Gabashvili
    Image: Marita Cheshmaritashvili
  107. Gafert, Christian Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  108. Gaida, Anke Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  109. Garcia Yunge, José Joaquin Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  110. Gauzens, Benoit, Dr Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.25
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  111. Gedik, Deniz Yakup Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  112. Geiling, Timo Botanical Garden

    Inspektorhaus, Room 1194
    Fürstengraben 26
    07743 Jena

  113. Geliashvili, Natia Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 202
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Portrait of Natia Geliashvili
    Image: Natia Geliashvili
  114. Gennerich, Ines Professorship of Systematic Botany
  115. Gennerich, Ines Herbarium Haussknecht
  116. Gennerich, Ines Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  117. Gerlich, Annemarie Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  118. Gerlitz, Nadja Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  119. Ghandour, Rabea, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology
  120. Glaser, Ralf, Dr Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  121. Glowalla, Karl-Gunther, Dr Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  122. Gluth, Kristin Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  123. Göbel, Roman Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  124. Godmann, Maren, Dr Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 132 A
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Maren Godmann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  125. Golke-Stiebritz, Sandra Didactics of Biology
  126. Golke-Stiebritz, Sandra Professorship for General Microbiology
  127. Golke-Stiebritz, Sandra Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology
  128. Gong, Weiye Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  129. Gopa Kumar Nair, Aswathi Professorship for Microbial Communication
  130. Gorniak, Linda Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 322
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  131. Gramzow, Lydia, Dr Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  132. Gregori, Christian-David Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  133. Greiser, Yvonne Professorship for General Microbiology
  134. Greßler, Julia Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  135. Greßler, Markus, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  136. Gruevska, Julia Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  137. Günther, Kerstin Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  138. Gutmann, Falko Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 201B
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  139. Hädrich, Anke, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 315
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  140. Halle, Stefan, Prof. Dr Professorship of Ecology

    Room 412
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Office hours:
    Retired since 01.10.2023; office hours on appointment

  141. Hallmeyer, Sonja Botanical Garden
  142. Hammer, Jonathan Professorship for Microbial Interactions
  143. Hanamghar, Sayali Juniorprofessorship in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms
  144. Hanisch, Susan Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

  145. Hänniger, Sabine, Dr Professorship of Population Ecology
  146. Hassan, Mohamed Ismail Abdelwahab Jena Microbial Resource Collection

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  147. Haucke, Elena Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 311
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  148. Haus, Volkmar Professorship of Ecology
  149. Hebecker, Betty, Dr Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  150. Heinze, Beatrix Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 322
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  151. Heinzel, Thorsten, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 136
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Thorsten Heinzel
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  152. Hejnol, Andreas, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  153. Hellwig, Frank, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Systematic Botany

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E003
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  154. Hellwig, Frank, Univ.-Prof. Dr Botanical Garden

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E003
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  155. Hellwig, Frank, Univ.-Prof. Dr Herbarium Haussknecht

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E003
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  156. Henning, Nina Professorship Biochemistry
  157. Hentschel, Jörn, Dr Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  158. Herde, Martin Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  159. Herold, Maximilian Professorship for Microbial Communication
  160. Herold, Thomas Botanical Garden
  161. Herrmann, Martina, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 313
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  162. Hertweck, Christian, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Natural Product Chemistry

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  163. Hildebrandt, Theresa Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  164. Hirt, Myriam, Dr Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.24
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  165. Höchtl, Nina Rose Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  166. Hoffmann, Clemens, Dr Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus, Room 105
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

  167. Hoffmann, Steve, Prof. Dr Professur Bioinformatik für Alterungsprozesse

    Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)
    Beutenbergstraße 11
    07745 Jena

  168. Hoffmeister, Dirk, Prof. Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  169. Hofstetter, Robert Klaus, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  170. Höller, Marlene Professorship for Microbial Communication
  171. Hoppe, Bernadett Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  172. Horn, Maria Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

    Technikum Optik, Room 106
    Lessingstraße 8
    07743 Jena

  173. Hornung, Mandy Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  174. Hoshyaripour, Sheila Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  175. Hoßfeld, Uwe, apl. Prof. Dr Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus, Room 103
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. uwe Hoßfeld
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  176. Hu, Wenjing Professorship Biochemistry
  177. Hube, Bernhard, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Microbial Pathogenicity
  178. Hübel, Patricia Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  179. Hug, Sabrina Phyletic Museum

    Phyletisches Museum, Room 207
    Vor dem Neutor 1
    07743 Jena

  180. Hülsmann, Juliana Nora Maj Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 107
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  181. Human, Zander Rainier, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 321
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  182. Hussain, Iqra, Dr AG Neuroepigenetik
  183. Inadze, Natia Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 134
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  184. Iyamu, Evans Osahon Professorship for Microbial Communication
  185. Iyer-Bierhoff, Aishwarya, Dr Professorship Biochemistry
    Aishwarya Iyer-Bierhoff
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  186. Jacke, Lena Professorship Biochemistry

    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Lena Jacke
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  187. Jacobsen, Ilse Denise, Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Professorship for Microbial Immunology
  188. Jäger, Erik Professorship Cell Biology
  189. Jamili, Mahdi Professorship Biochemistry
  190. Jayaprasad, Suvratha Professorship of Population Ecology
  191. Jesse, Robert Professorship for Microbial Communication
  192. Jetschke, Gottfried, PD Dr Professorship of Ecology
    Gottfried Jetschke
    Image: Gottfried Jetschke
  193. Jia, Xiu, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 106
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  194. Jiang, Chongyi Professorship of Population Ecology
  195. Jo, So Young Professorship Biochemistry

    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    SoYoung Jo
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  196. Jogler, Christian, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Microbial Interactions
  197. Jordan, Paul Mike, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  198. Jung, Elke-Martina, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology
  199. Jungnickel, Berit, Prof. Dr Professorship Cell Biology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Berit Jungnickel
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  200. Jürgensen, Anton Nils Louis Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  201. Kahlenberg, Annika Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
  202. Kaiser, Ulrike Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  203. Kallscheuer, Nicolai, Dr Professorship for Microbial Interactions
  204. Kalmring-Raspe, Kerstin Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  205. Kalweit, Kevin Professorship Cell Biology
  206. Karg, Bastienne Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  207. Kärger-Schulz, Birgit Botanical Garden
  208. Karn, Manuel Professorship of Systematic Botany
  209. Karnbach, Lisa-Marie Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  210. Kasberger, Daniel Botanical Garden
  211. Katsika, Haralambia Human Nutrition Research Group
  212. Khobta, Andriy, Prof. Dr Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  213. Khot, Varada Milind, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 203
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  214. Kipp, Anna, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  215. Kirstein, Janine, Prof. Dr Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics

    Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)
    Beutenbergstraße 11
    07745 Jena

    Janine Kirstein
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  216. Klein, Jan, Dr Professorship of Plant Physiology
  217. Klein, Lea Junior Research Group Nutritional Concepts
  218. Klotz, Lars-Oliver, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  219. Klotz, Lars-Oliver, Univ.-Prof. Dr Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  220. Knauer, Gaby Botanical Garden
  221. Knorn, Peter Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M4.409
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  222. Köber, Andreas Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M4.401.05
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  223. Köber, Ute Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 507
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  224. Köhler, Sabine Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  225. Köhler, Günter, PD Dr Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 405
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  226. König, Anna Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  227. Körschens, Matthias Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Inspektorhaus, Room D 103
    Fürstengraben 26
    07743 Jena

  228. Kosan, Christian, PD Dr Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 133
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Christian Kosan
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  229. Kothe, Erika, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Microbial Communication

    Mikrobielle Kommunikation
    Neugasse 25
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Erika Kothe
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  230. Krafczyk, Niklas Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  231. Kratzsch, Gerlinde Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 404
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Gerline Kratzsch
    Image: Gerline Kratzsch
  232. Krause, Katrin, Dr Professorship for Microbial Communication
  233. Krauße, Thomas Professorship for Microbial Communication
  234. Krautwurst, Sebastian Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E1
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  235. Kremnyov, Stanislav, Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  236. Krüger, Matthias Phyletic Museum
  237. Kühn, Paul Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Paul Kühn
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  238. Kühne, Juliane Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  239. Kunze, Katja Jena Experiment
  240. Kunze, Katja Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 506
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  241. Künzel, Sandra Professorship of General Botany
  242. Küsel, Kirsten, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 312
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  243. Küster, Heidi Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  244. Lange, Lisa, Dr AG Neuroepigenetik
  245. Lattus, Laura Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  246. Lenk, Kevin Professorship for Microbial Communication
  247. Lenke, Philip Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  248. Levit, Georgy, PD Dr Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

  249. Li, Chulin Professorship of General Botany
  250. Li, Jingyi Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  251. Li, Fuxiang Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 106
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Fuxiang Li
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  252. Lippegaus, Anne Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  253. Lis, Fabian Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  254. Litos, Aristeidis Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 106
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Aris is working on time-dependent analyses of bacterial communities. Besides coding he loves Karate.
    Image: Aristeides Litos
  255. Lorkowski, Stefan, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition

    Dornburger Straße 25-27
    07743 Jena

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorkowski
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  256. Löser, Alina Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  257. Loßow, Kristina, Dr Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  258. Lüdtke, Claudia Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  259. Lüdtke, Claudia Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  260. Lukas, Paul, Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  261. Luke, Liz Maria Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  262. López Arcondo, José Luis Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 203
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Portrait of José Luis López
    Image: José Luis López
  263. Madaj, Anna-Maria Professorship of Population Ecology
  264. Madaj, Anna-Maria Jena Experiment
  265. Mader, Sebastian Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  266. Malarski, Angelika Bioactive Plant Products Research Group
  267. Malicki, Marek, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  268. Malycheva, Tatjana Professorship of Bioinformatics
  269. Maskos, René Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 201B
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  270. Masková, Tereza Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room Raum 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  271. Massenberg, Dorothee Isabell Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 204
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Dorothee Massenberg
    Image: Dorothee Massenberg
  272. Mauri, Marco, Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  273. Medicus, Thomas Heiko Andreas Professorship of Ecology
  274. Meinhardt, Nora Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  275. Mertens, Jasmin Professorship for Microbial Communication
  276. Mertens, Carmen Professorship Biochemistry

    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Carmen Mertens
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  277. Meyer, Caroline Emily Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  278. Mittag, Maria, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of General Botany
  279. Möbius, Nadine Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 320
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  280. Möhring, Anja Botanical Garden
  281. Moissl, Angela Patricia Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  282. Moreno Pedraza, Abigail, Dr Professorship Plant Biotic Interactions
  283. Morrison, Helen, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professur Neurobiologie des Alterns

    Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)
    Beutenbergstraße 11
    07745 Jena

  284. Müller, Elisabeth Professorship of Systematic Botany
  285. Müller, Annett Human Nutrition Research Group
  286. Müller, Jochen, Dr Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  287. Müller, Christian Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  288. Müller-Kröckel, Stefanie Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  289. Muraya, Angela Wanjugu Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 202
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  290. Mußbach, Sarah Professorship of Plant Physiology
  291. Naumann, Janin Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E005
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Janin Naumann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  292. Nevo, Omer, Dr Nachwuchsgruppe Evolutionsökologie

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room A.01.06
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  293. Ning, Jiong Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 134
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Jiong Ning
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  294. Nischang, Vivien Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  295. Nolte, Denise Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  296. Nolte, Denise Professorship Cell Biology
  297. Nowotny, Manuela, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Animal Physiology
  298. Obenauf, Stefan Botanical Garden
  299. Odhiambo, Robert Ouko Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 120
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Robert Odhiambo
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  300. Ohse, Verena Alexia Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  301. Olsson, Lennart, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology

    Room 102
    Erbertstraße 1
    07743 Jena

  302. Otto, Steffi Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

    Technikum Optik, Room 108
    Lessingstraße 8
    07743 Jena

  303. Palacios-Gimenez, Octavio M., Dr Professorship of Population Ecology
  304. Papenfort, Kai, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for General Microbiology
  305. Patzer, Jessica Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  306. Peets, Pilleriin, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 105
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  307. Pereira da Costa Filho, Ailton Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  308. Perrier, Marion Junior Research Group Fungal Informatics
  309. Peter, Sina Marielle Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 108
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Sina Peter
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  310. Peters, Birte Professorship Ecosystem Services

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.02.05
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  311. Petersen, Levke Professorship for Microbial Communication
  312. Petersohn, Rommy Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
  313. Petrick, Susanne Professorship of General Botany
  314. Pfaff, Sergey Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  315. Pfeil, Tobias Botanical Garden
  316. Phongtang, Wallapat Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 202
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  317. Pietschmann, Sebastian Professorship for Microbial Communication
  318. Pilz, Anne-Kathrin Professorship of Systematic Botany

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 106
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Anne-Kathrin Pilz
    Image: Anne-Kathrin Pilz
  319. Pinton, Francesca Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  320. Piskor, Eva-Maria Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 134
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Eva-Maria Piskor
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  321. Pohl, Hans, PD Dr Phyletic Museum
  322. Porges, Karl, Dr Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus, Room 104
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

  323. Porsche, Berit Frizzy Professorship for Microbial Communication
  324. Pratama, Akbar Adjie, Ph.D. Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 320
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Akbar Adjie Pratama
    Image: Akbar Adjie Pratama
  325. Priebs, Josephine, Dr Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  326. Prutscher, Daniela Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  327. Purps, Daniela Human Nutrition Research Group
  328. Pérez Carrascal, Olga Maria, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 321
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Olga Maria Perez Carrascal
    Image: Jannick Van Cauwenberghe
  329. Quade, Dorothee Didactics of Biology

    Stoy´sches Haus/Institutsgebäude/Bienenhaus
    Am Steiger 3
    07743 Jena

  330. Raabe, Lisa Botanical Garden
  331. Rahman, Md Atikur Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Md Atikur Rahman
    Image: Uzma Habiba Heme
  332. Rani, Garima Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  333. Raßbach, Johannes Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  334. Rauschkolb, Robert, Dr Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 105
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Robert Rauschkolb
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  335. Reichmann, Christin Professorship for Microbial Communication
  336. Reimann, Angela Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  337. Reislöhner, Gabriele Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  338. Richard, Matthias, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  339. Riedel, Stefan Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 208.2
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  340. Rimskaya-Korsakova, Nadezhda, Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  341. Rogge, Kai Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  342. Rohrer, Carsten Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  343. Römermann, Christine, Prof. Dr Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 103A
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Christine Römermann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  344. Röppischer, Claudia Professorship of Plant Physiology
  345. Rose, Marcel Professorship of Systematic Botany
  346. Rosenbaum, Benjamin, Dr Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.25
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  347. Roßner, Angela Professorship Biophysics
  348. Rozwalak, Piotr Jaroslaw Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 105
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  349. Rüdiger, Sandra Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
  350. Rühl, Philipp Professorship Biophysics
  351. Ruhland, Eric Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  352. Rümpler, Florian, Dr Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  353. Sack, Holger Professorship Biophysics
  354. Sack, Holger Professorship Biophysics

    Abbe Center of Photonics
    Albert-Einstein-Straße 6
    07745 Jena

  355. Sajedi Shacker, Mahdi Professorship Cell Biology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  356. Sangmeister, Dirk Halge Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  357. Sanka Loganatha Chetti, Dinesh, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 201C
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Dr. Dinesh Sanka L. Chetti
    Image: Dinesh Sanka L. Chetti
  358. Schade, Franz Botanical Garden
  359. Schädel, Patrick, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  360. Schalowski, Mandy Institute of Nutritional Sciences
  361. Schalowski, Mandy Applied Nutritional Toxicology Research Group
  362. Schalowski, Mandy Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  363. Schalowski, Mandy Human Nutrition Research Group

    Room E004
    Dornburger Straße 24
    07743 Jena

    Mandy Schalowski
    Image: Mandy Schalowski
  364. Scheiding, Sabine Professorship Biochemistry

    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Sabine Scheiding
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  365. Schein, Sabine Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  366. Schein, Sabine Professorship for Microbial Interactions
  367. Schein, Sabine Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Schirawski)
  368. Schellenberger Costa, David, Dr Professorship of Ecology
    David Schellenberger Costa
    Image: David Schellenberger Costa
  369. Scheller, Anne Sophie Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  370. Schielzeth, Holger, Prof. Dr Professorship of Population Ecology
  371. Schirawski, Jan, Prof. Dr Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Schirawski)
  372. Schmidt, Manuela, PD Dr Phyletic Museum
  373. Schmidt, Julia Bioactive Plant Products Research Group
  374. Schmidt, Julia Junior Research Group Nutritional Concepts
  375. Schmidt, Julia Professorship of Nutritional Toxicology
  376. Schmidt, Dorith Professorship Biophysics
  377. Schneider, Fabian Professorship of Systematic Botany

    Room 408
    Philosophenweg 12
    07743 Jena

    Fabian Schneider
    Image: Fabian Schneider
  378. Schober, Sebastian Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  379. Schöneich, Stefan, Dr Professorship of Animal Physiology
  380. Schönherr, Roland, PD Dr Professorship Biophysics
  381. Schowtka, Kathrin Professorship of Bioinformatics
  382. Schröck, Yvonne Jena Microbial Resource Collection

    Jena Microbial Resource Collection
    Neugasse 25
    07743 Jena

  383. Schröck, Yvonne Professorship of Animal Physiology
  384. Schroeckh, Silke Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 404
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  385. Schröpfer, Susann Junior Research Group Nutritional Concepts
  386. Schubert, Torsten, Dr Research Group Anaerobic Microbiology
  387. Schubert, Torsten, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 204
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Torsten Schubert
    Image: Torsten Schubert
  388. Schulz, Robin Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  389. Schulze, Clemens Professorship of Ecology
  390. Schumann, Alrun Antje Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  391. Schuster, Stefan, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Bioinformatics
  392. Schwab, Laura Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 314
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  393. Schwarz, Maria, Dr Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  394. Schweiger, Susan, Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  395. Schwier, Chris Philip Juniorprofessorship in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms
  396. Scriba, Gerhard, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
    Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scriba
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  397. Seeling, Andreas, PD Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  398. Seib, Friedrich Philipp, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
  399. Seibold, Paula Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  400. Semm, Caroline Jena Microbial Resource Collection

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  401. Sharma, Alisha Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 307
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  402. Shetty, Prateek, Dr Professorship of General Botany
  403. Shiko, Glendis Professorship of Plant Physiology
  404. Siemers, Malte, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  405. Siemers, Malte, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 106
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  406. Silva Cala, Andrea Lizeth Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  407. Simon, Rebecca Anna Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  408. Singavarapu, BalaVeera Venkata Apparao Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 321
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

    Bala Singavarapu
    Image: Bala Singavarapu
  409. Smyrlis, Georgios Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  410. Söhnel, Katja, Dr Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
  411. Sonnabend, Robin Ulrich Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  412. Sontowski, Rebekka, Dr Professorship Plant Biotic Interactions
  413. Sprenger, Marcel, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  414. Srinivasan, Vijay, Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  415. Stange-Marten, Annette, Dr Professorship of Animal Physiology
  416. Starick, Andreas Professorship for General Microbiology
  417. Stark, Heiko, Dr Seniorprofessur Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer
  418. Stein, Gregor AG Neuroepigenetik
  419. Steinbach, Christine Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  420. Steinbrenner, Holger, PD Dr Professorship of Nutrigenomics
  421. Steinebrunner, Florian Professorship of Ecology
  422. Steinecke, Juliet Anna Professorship Biochemistry
  423. Steiner, Muriel Junior Research Group Nutritional Concepts
  424. Stößel, Alexander, Dr Professorship of Archaeogenetics
  425. Studenik, Sandra, Dr Research Group Anaerobic Microbiology

    Room 224
    Philosophenweg 12
    07743 Jena

  426. Studenik, Sandra, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 204
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  427. Tabassum, Rabia Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 202
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

  428. Taszus, Claudia, Dr Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  429. Taszus, Roxana Professorship of Animal Physiology
  430. Taubert, Martin, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 313
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  431. Taudte, Laura Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  432. van Teeseling, Muriel C. F., Dr Junior Research Group Prokaryotic Cell Biology
  433. Tessari, Chiara Professorship of Genetics (Prof. Theißen)
  434. Thamm, Jana Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

    Technikum Optik, Room 107
    Lessingstraße 8
    07743 Jena

  435. Theißen, Günter, Univ.-Prof. Dr Matthias Schleiden Institute of Genetics, Bioinformatics and Molecular Botany
  436. Thierbach, René, PD Dr Human Nutrition Research Group
  437. Thriene, Kerstin, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  438. Tischner, Katrin Professorship Cell Biology
  439. Tiumina, Elena, Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  440. Todt, Andrea Herbarium Haussknecht

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room Herbarium Haussknecht
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  441. Traber, Heidi Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  442. Traxler, Lea, Dr Professorship for Microbial Communication
  443. Trofimov, Dimitrij, Dr Professorship of Systematic Botany

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room D201
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Dimitrij Trofimov
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  444. Tröger, Daniel Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research

    Phyletisches Museum
    Vor dem Neutor 1
    07743 Jena

  445. Truskowski-Muggenthaler, Juliane Professorship of Ecology
  446. Truskowski-Muggenthaler, Juliane Professorship of Population Ecology
  447. Ulmer, Andreas Lukas, Dr Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  448. Ulrich, Josephine Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Josephine Ulrich
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  449. Urban, Maximilian Christoph Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
  450. Urbauer, Elisabeth, Dr Professorship for General Microbiology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  451. Vareschi, Silvia Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  452. Vargas Trujillo, Paula Alejandra Professorship Biochemistry
  453. Varma, Mahendra Rajkumar Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 424
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  454. Velasco Gomariz, Manuel Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  455. Verucchi, Miriam Juniorprofessorship in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms
  456. Vienne, Florence, Dr Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  457. Vincze, Anna Katharina Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  458. Vogt, Laura Nicole Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M1-E3
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  459. Voigt, Winfried, Dr Professorship of Ecology
  460. Voigt, Kerstin, PD Dr Jena Microbial Resource Collection
  461. Voigt, Kerstin, PD Dr Jena Microbial Resource Collection

    Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie
    Beutenbergstraße 11a
    07745 Jena

  462. Voigt, Stefanie, Dr Professorship Cell Biology
  463. Vuong, Thi Trang, Dr Professorship of General Botany
  464. Wagner, Volker, PD Dr Professorship of General Botany
  465. Wagner, Stefanie Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  466. Wallert, Maria, Dr Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition
  467. Walter Costa, Maria Beatriz, Dr Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Room 106
    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Maria Beatriz
    Image: Maria Beatriz Walter Costa
  468. Walther, Gabriel Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  469. Wang, He, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 313
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  470. Ward, Dima Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 134
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  471. Waskow, Claudia, Prof. Dr Immunology of Aging

    Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung – Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI)
    Beutenbergstraße 11
    07745 Jena

  472. Weber, Sandra Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 108
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

    Sandra Weber
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  473. Wegner, Carl-Eric, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 314
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  474. Wehmann, Henja-Niniane, Dr Professorship of Animal Physiology
  475. Weingardt, Michael Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research

    Phyletisches Museum
    Vor dem Neutor 1
    07743 Jena

  476. Weiß, Sandra Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  477. Wendt, Helge Franz Friedrich Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
  478. Werner, Markus, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  479. Werz, Oliver, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  480. Wesp, Valentin Professorship of Bioinformatics

    Room 3422A
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
    07743 Jena

    Valentin Wesp
    Image: Fotostudio Gebhardt Jena
  481. Wichmann-Costaganna, Mareike Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  482. Wiecha, Petra Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  483. Wiegand, Moritz Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology
  484. Wildermuth, Benjamin Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 407
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  485. Wilkinson, Caitlin Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.27
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  486. Winckler, Thomas, Univ.-Prof. Dr Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences
  487. Winckler, Thomas, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical Biology
  488. Winkler, Lucia Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Room 322
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  489. Winter, Gabe Professorship of Population Ecology

    Room 416
    Dornburger Straße 159
    07743 Jena

  490. Witt, Burkhard Botanical Garden
  491. Wohlfarth, Nicole Professorship for Microbial Interactions
  492. Wohlleben, Anika Marie, Dr Professorship of Systematic Zoology
  493. Wöhrl, Toni Professorship of Animal Physiology
  494. Woker, Elke Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room M4.401.03
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  495. Wolf, Ilka Professorship of Ecology
  496. Wolf, Ilka Professorship of Population Ecology
  497. Worbs, Jakob Professorship of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  498. Woschee, Esther Applied Nutritional Toxicology Research Group
  499. Wu, Yunchen Professorship Biochemistry

    CMB, Room 107
    Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  500. Yu, Wentao Professorship Biodiversity Theory

    Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Room B.03.26
    Puschstraße 4
    04103 Leipzig

  501. Zander, Ariane Professorship for Theoretical Microbial Ecology

    Bioinstrumentezentrum, Room Modul 2, Ebene 4
    Winzerlaer Straße 2
    07745 Jena

  502. Zedler, Julie, Juniorprof. Dr Juniorprofessorship in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms
  503. Zergiebel, Stephanie, Dr Professorship of Pharmaceutical/Medical Chemistry
  504. Ziegenhardt, Doreen Professorship of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
  505. Ziegler, Antonia Therese Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  506. Zielinski, Christina, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Infection Immunology
  507. Zimmermann, Johannes, Dr Professorship Aquatic Geomicrobiology

    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Photo of Dr. Johannes Zimmermann
    Image: Johannes Zimmermann
  508. Zipfel, Peter F., Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship for Infection Biology
  509. Zschoche, Renè Professur Virale Ökologie und Omics

    Rosalind-Franklin-Straße 1
    07745 Jena