Professur of Pharmaceutical Biology

Thomas Winckler, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Prof. Dr. Thomas Winckler
Image: Privat

Academic career

  • 1982-1987 Studies of biology (diploma) (Prof. Dieter Malchow), University Konstanz
  • 1987-1991 PhD studies (Prof. Dieter Malchow), Universität Konstanz
  • 1991-1992 Postdoc at Pasteur Institute (Paris, France) (Prof. Michel Véron)
  • 1992-2002 Research assistant at the Intitute of Pharmaceutical Biology (Prof. Theo Dingermann), University Frankfurt
  • 2000 Habilitation Pharmaceutical Biology (University Frankfurt)
  • 2002-2005 Assistant professor at the Intitute of Pharmaceutical Biology (Prof. Theo Dingermann), University Frankfurt
  • since July 2005 Full professor of Pharmaceutical Biology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Recent funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) 

  • DFG grant WI1142/16-1 from 04.2018 to 03.2021
  • DFG grant WI1142/14-1 from 01.2018 to 12.2020