Calanque at La Madrague (France)

Excursion EES

News and trips of recent years
Calanque at La Madrague (France)
Image: Markus Bernhardt-Römermann

Master Evolution, Ecology and Systematics

Destinations 2025

Dear students,

in 2025 we will offer the following destinations for the MEES.C5 excursions! If you are interested in participating, please contact the responsible persons (see below) as soon as possible (see registration deadlines).

Autumn bird migration at the North Sea (Germany: Sylt and Klappholttal/List)

Attention: This excursion will be held in German

Gunnar Brehm & Stefan Rathgeber

  • 11 October – 18 October 2025
  • Registration deadline: 10 February 2025
  • Available places: 5
  • Contact & registration:

Arthropods of the Mediterranean (Italy, Lago di Trasimeno)

Hans Pohl

Taxonomic and functional responses of steppe vegetation to changes in the environment in Mongolian Rangelands

Attention: The excursion starts and ends in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). You have to organize your flight tickets and visa yourself (we will provide advice on suitable flights).

Anna Vincze & Sebastian Gebauer

  • 16 July – 26 July 2025
  • Registration deadline: 10 February 2025
  • Available places: 12-14
  • Premeeting: 18.02.2025, 17:15 h, SR124 Philosophenweg 12
  • Contact & registration:

Excursion 2019 and 2021: Italy (Lake Trasimeno)


Responsible: Hans Pohl

Lake Trasimeno is located in the Umbria region west of Perugia and is surrounded by mountains up to 600 metres high. The lake’s surroundings are characterised by a variety of different habitats, such as reedy shore regions, extensively used olive groves and meadows, macchie and forest with small streams that often dry up in summer. These habitats have a very species-rich arthropod fauna.

During the excursion we visited habitats directly around Lake Trasimeno, but also the more than 1700 m high densely forested Monte Amiata and the Formone River in Val d'Orcia with a wide pebbly riverbed. Participants worked on web spiders and scorpions, millipedes, praying mantises, cockroaches, termites and grasshoppers, true bugs and cicadas, Hymenoptera, beetles, as well as butterflies and moths. The picture gallery shows some interesting species.

  • Lake Trasimeno (Italy)
    Lake Trasimeno (Italy)
    Image: Lars Möckel
  • Cone-headed grasshopper Acrida ungarica
    Cone-headed grasshopper Acrida ungarica
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Praying mantis Ameles decolor
    Praying mantis Ameles decolor
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Giant tachinid fly Tachina grossa
    Giant tachinid fly Tachina grossa
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Millipede Ommatoiulus rutilans
    Millipede Ommatoiulus rutilans
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Mediterranean banded centipede Scolopendra cingulata
    Mediterranean banded centipede Scolopendra cingulata
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Yellow sac spider Cheiracanthium punctorium
    Yellow sac spider Cheiracanthium punctorium
    Image: Hans Pohl
  • Tarantula wolf spider Lycosa tarantula with egg sac
    Tarantula wolf spider Lycosa tarantula with egg sac
    Image: Hans Pohl

Excursion 2021: Italy​ (Friuli and Tuscany​​)

Southern Alps, Northern Apennines and Apuan Alps - habitats and flora

Responsible: Dimitrij Trofimov and Jochen Müller

The Apuan Alps are located in the north-west of the province of Tuscany and border on the Tyrrhenian Sea. The mountains are characterized by high precipitation and account for about 30% of all Italian flora. Geologically, the Apuan mountain region is mainly composed of marble. The southern Alps in northern Italy consist mostly of calcareous rock formations. The excursion destination was close to the Slovenian and Austrian borders. Due to the geological conditions in both mountain regions, a rich flora occurs, including many endemic species.

The objectives of the excursion were to get to know ecological and geological aspects of the visited areas. The focus was on the knowledge of characteristic species in the two Italian mountains.

  • Tusco-Emilian Apennines near Abetone (Tuscany)
  • Forte dei Marmi on the Tyrrhenian Sea (Tuscany)
  • Wild River Meduna near Vivaro (Friuli)
  • Rocky Coast Nature Reserve near Duino (Venezia Giulia)
  • Carnic Alps and Pre-Alps (Friuli)
  • Apuan Alps (Northern Tuscany)
  • Visit to Florence
    Visit to Florence
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Campanula cespitosa
    Campanula cespitosa
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Cyclamen purpurascens
    Cyclamen purpurascens
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Lago di Pramollo, Alpi Carniche
    Lago di Pramollo, Alpi Carniche
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Leontopodium nivale
    Leontopodium nivale
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Pinguicula sp.
    Pinguicula sp.
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Torrente Arzino, Prealpi Carniche
    Torrente Arzino, Prealpi Carniche
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov
  • Val di Luce, Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
    Val di Luce, Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
    Image: Dimitrij Trofimov

Exkursion 2019, 2022, 2024: Spain (Tarifa)​

Bird migration

Responsible: Holger Schielzeth

Every year millions of migratory birds are on the move between their breeding and wintering grounds. There are few places in Europe where bird migration can be better observed than in southern Spain, where thousands of soaring birds cross the narrow strait of Gibraltar that separates Europe and Africa. We stay at an international bird observatory run by the Migres Foundation. Migres implements systematic counts of migratory raptors and scientific bird ringing programs. These programs allow insights into the ecology of bird migration and population trends of many migratory species.   

We join bird ringing sessions of passerine birds and – quite fascinatingly – black kites, count soaring birds of dozens of species and thousands of individuals, watch migratory seabirds and cetaceans. We search for owls, nightjars and bats at night and for birds and dragonflies during the day. We read a number of bird rings in the field and locate elusive chameleons in the coastal dunes. We learn about the strategies of migratory birds to cross oceans and deserts and about the challenges to bird conservation along migratory routes. A diverse program with a focus on bird migration that remains one of the most fascinating phenomena in nature.

  • Banded Groundling (Brachythemis leucosticta)
    Banded Groundling (Brachythemis leucosticta)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Black Kite (Milvus migrans)
    Black Kite (Milvus migrans)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Black Kites (Milvus migrans)
    Black Kites (Milvus migrans)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Black Percher (Diplacodes lefebvrii)
    Black Percher (Diplacodes lefebvrii)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Broad Scarlet (Crocothemis erythraea)
    Broad Scarlet (Crocothemis erythraea)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percmopterus)
    Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percmopterus)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Isabelline Warbler (Hippolais opaca)
    Isabelline Warbler (Hippolais opaca)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Long-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas)
    Long-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Orange-winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi)
    Orange-winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Small Pincertail (Onychogomphus forcipatus)
    Small Pincertail (Onychogomphus forcipatus)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
  • Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)
    Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)
    Image: Holger Schielzeth
Pagination Page 1

Excursion ​2016 and 2018: Croatia ​(Dugi Otok)​

Island Biogeography

Responsible: Ulrich Brose

In 2016 and 2018, the course has been carried out on the island Dugi Otok in Croatia. During two weeks in the field, we have been sampling the fauna (terrestrial and marine) and flora of islands of different size. Day trips with small boats were organized to travel to the islands.

The students have chosen a species group and teamed up in small groups to carry out systematic samples. Species identification is done is a laboratory room with digital microscopes. The course includes lectures and hands-on training in island biogeography, ecological field sampling designs and estimation of biodiversity, and a day trip to the National Park Kornati.

  • Vegetation on the islands
    Vegetation on the islands
    Image: Maximilian Bröcher
  • Boat trip to sample an island
    Boat trip to sample an island
    Image: Myriam Hirt
  • Landing at an island
    Landing at an island
    Image: Myriam Hirt
  • Group of students sampling species on an island
    Group of students sampling species on an island
    Image: Myriam Hirt
  • Intensive sampling
    Intensive sampling
    Image: Myriam Hirt
  • Sunset on Dugi Otok
    Sunset on Dugi Otok
    Image: Thomas Boy
  • Hike through the Kornati National Park
    Hike through the Kornati National Park
    Image: Thomas Boy
  • The islands of Kornati
    The islands of Kornati
    Image: Thomas Boy
  • Archipelago of the Kornati
    Archipelago of the Kornati
    Image: Julius Weber
  • Coast of Dugi Otok
    Coast of Dugi Otok
    Image: Julius Weber

Excursion 2015, 2022, 2024: France (Provence, Côte-d‘Azur)

Ecology and flora of mediterranean ecosystems

Responsible: Christine Römermann and Markus Bernhardt-Römermann

  • Camargue / Rhone estuary (conservation / rice and salt production)
  • Crau (dry steppe / conservation and restoration ecology)
  • Alpilles (garrigue and macchia)
  • Upper Provence (dry forest / fire ecology / silviculture)
  • Massif de Maures (ephemeral ponds)
  • Côte d'Azur / Calanques  (coastal vegetation / viticulture)
  • Sheepfold in the Crau
    Sheepfold in the Crau
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Tarantula in the Crau
    Tarantula in the Crau
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Salt vegetation in the Camargue
    Salt vegetation in the Camargue
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Camargue horses
    Camargue horses
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Salt pans in the Camargue
    Salt pans in the Camargue
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Plant identification in the Alpilles
    Plant identification in the Alpilles
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Tour des Opies, Alpilles
    Tour des Opies, Alpilles
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Maccia in the Massif de Maures
    Maccia in the Massif de Maures
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Massif de Maures
    Massif de Maures
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Coast at the Cap Croisette
    Coast at the Cap Croisette
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann
  • Rock vegetation on the Cap Croisette
    Rock vegetation on the Cap Croisette
    Image: Christine & Markus Römermann