22 canvases represent 22 projects or work areas within both working groups on Rosalind Franklin street. Each employee in the building designed one of the canvases with his or her focus.


22 canvases represent 22 projects or work areas within both working groups on Rosalind Franklin street. Each employee in the building designed one of the canvases with his or her focus.
Image: Sybille Huck (VEO group)

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  1. Maria Beatriz’s visit to the plant products and post-harvest laboratory.
    Image: Prof Heyde França
  2. Piotr presented his work and plans for members of the AMBI lab at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife.
    Image: Piotr Rozwalak
  3. Dr. Mulla explaining Phage growth rates
    Image: Tina Hauptfeld
  4. View of the back of the Microverse center
    Image: Marcel Baecker
  5. Structurally colored colonies of the marine bacterium Muricauda ruestringensis growing on agar, viewed from three different angles.
    Image: Colin Ingham, Hoekmine BV
  6. Benchmarking different viral hunting tools
    Image: Wu, LY., Wijesekara, Y., Piedade, G.J. et al.
  7. Tina and Susie meeting at the Frankfurt Airport
    Image: Tina Hauptfeld
  8. Mittelerde Meeting 2024
    Image: Pilleriin Peets
  9. Piotr in front of Phages
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  10. Angela and Marcel harvesting plants
    Image: Bas E. Dutilh
  11. Drone photo of the MCJ construction site from Wednesday, 08.11.2023
    Image: IHB Fritsche
  12. Susie giving a lecture for students in Poznan
    Image: Andrzej Zieleziński
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