
Studies at the Faculty of Biological Sciences

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The courses offered are both diverse and international. Biologists, biochemists and nutritionists will be trained in single-subject bachelor's degrees in cooperation with other faculties, for example Bioinformatics (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) and Biogeosciences (Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences). The complementary subjects Bioscience and the History of Science may be combined in multi-subject Bachelor's degrees (Bachelor of Arts) with a core subject in the humanities disciplines, including Law, History or Philosophy. Building on the bachelor's degree programs, there is a wide range of consecutive and non-consecutive master's degree programs (Master of Science) in all subjects.

Pharmacists and biology teachers for mainstream schools and colleges complete their studies with a state examination. Many combinations are possible in the modular teacher training courses for the "Jena model", including Chemistry, Geography, Sports, or German. The four-year academic program for Pharmacy concludes with the 2nd state examination and medical licensing, however postgraduate studies are also possible.

Responsible professors / academic advisors of degree programmes

  • Bachelor complementary subjects
    • Life Sciences: Prof. Dr. Frank Hellwig
    • History of Natural Sciences: Dr. Thomas Bach
  • Bachelor (B.Sc.)
    • Biochemistry / Molecular Biology: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Heinzel
    • Biology: apl. Prof. Dr. Markus Bernhardt-Römermann
    • Nutritional Sciences: Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
  • Master (M.Sc.)
    • Biochemistry: Prof. Dr. Berit Jungnickel
    • Evolution, Ecology and Systematics: Prof. Dr. Christine Römermann
    • History of Natural Sciences: Prof. Dr. Christina Brandt, Dr. Florence Vienne
    • Microbiology: Prof. Dr. Christian Jogler
    • Molecular Life Sciences: Prof. Dr. Günter Theißen
    • Nutrional Sciences: Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorkowski
  • State examination degree programme
    • Teaching degree Biology "Jenaer Modell" (LG, LR): apl. Prof. Dr. Uwe Hoßfeld
    • Pharmacy: Prof. Dr. Thomas Winckler


  • Dekanat der Fakultät für Biowissenschaften
    Image: Thomas Winckler
    Study and Examination Office

    The Study and Examination Office accompanies your studies from the first day until you receive your diploma. We have summarised information about the staff, contact details and current office hours for you here.

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