The study programme is modularly structured and students have to acquire 120 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ETCS) during 4 semesters.
The first year of study aims to bring together previously acquired knowledge, prepare students to conduct independent project work and teach them to present scientific findings. It comprises three basic (compulsory) modules and a range of required elective modules, from which students must select at least three. The required elective modules can be chosen in any combination from the following subject areas: Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Theoretical Biology, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology.
During the second year, students will deepen their knowledge in an area of specialisation, conduct practical project work under supervision and write their Master thesis.
Semester 1
Basic (Compulsory) Modules
- MBC.G1 (7 hpw)
Biophysical Chemistry - MBC.G2 (7 hpw)
Biochemistry I - MBC.G3* (4 hpw)
Biochemistry II
Required Elective Modules
- MBC.A2 (7 hpw)
Organic Chemistry - MBC.A12* (5 hpw)
Pharmacological Cell Biology
- MBC.G1 (7 hpw)
Semester 2
Basic (Compulsory) Modules
- MBC.G3* (3 hpw)
Biochemistry II
Required Elective Modules
Area ‘Biological Chemistry’
- MBC.A1 (8 hpw)
Biomolecular Chemistry - MBC.A17 (9 hpw)
Organic Chemistry - MBC.A16 (7 hpw)
Chemical Ecology of Signaling Molecules
Area ‘Biochemistry’
- MBC.A3 (8 hpw)
Molecular Biotechnology - MBC.A4 (7 hpw)
Genetic Instability and Tumour Biology - MBC.A5 (7 hpw; currently not offered)
Metabolic Regulation - MBC.A19 (5 hpw)
Microbial Bioelectrochemistry
Area ‘Biophysics and Theoretical Biology’
- MBC.A6 (7 hpw)
Molecular Medicine of Ion Transport - MBC.A8 (7 hpw)
Theoretical Systems Biology
Area ‘Molecular Biology’
- MBC.A18* (7 hpw)
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation - MBC.A10* (8 hpw)
Procaryontic Gene Regulation
Area ‘Cell Biology’
- MBC.A11 (7 hpw)
Cellular Plasticity - MBC.A12* (5 hpw)
Pharmacological Cell Biology - MBC.A13* (8 hpw)
Molecular Aspects of Immune Biology - MBC.A14 (7 hpw)
Molecular and Microbial Infection Biology - MBC.A15 (7 hpw)
Virus-Host Interactions
- MBC.G3* (3 hpw)
Semester 3
- MBC.T1
Specialization Module MBC - MBC.T2
Project Module MBC
- MBC.T1
Semester 4
- MBC.T3
Master Thesis MBC
- MBC.T3
G…Basic Module, Compulsory
A…Required Elective Module
T...Master Thesis
hpw…Hours of Study per Week per Semester
Please note: Modules marked with asterisk take one full year of study (2 semesters). They usually begin in the winter semester.
The study schedule can also be viewed and downloaded at the website for students of the Faculty for Biological SciencesExternal link. Currently, the document is available in German only.