Group Picture

Fieldtrip to SESO sampling site

January 18th, 2023
Group Picture
Image: Kirsten Kuesel

A little more than two weeks after the beginning of the new year 2023 we went on a fieldtrip to the Saale-Elster-Sandsteinplatte Observatory (SESO) sampling site. This site was developed for the Collaborative Research Centre 1076 AquaDiva. We sampled groundwater to analyze microbial CO2 fixation rates to obtain information about the microbial primary production. 

Until not long ago, scientists assumed that microorganisms living in the groundwater breakdown organic matter as a source of nutrition. However, results of more recent studies raised attention to the role of primary production by chemosynthesis. In fact the primary production rates recently measured at another AquaDiva sampling site were similar to primary production in oligotrophic surface marine systemsExternal link. Now we want to understand the role of the lithology in this process. In how far does the primary production by chemosynthesis vary between different geological conditions of the ground?

The obtained data will contribute to the research of the AquaDiva project, which aims for the characterization of processes occurring in the Critical Zone (CZ), the earth's porous skin, where air, water and rock intersect and interact with life. More information about the project can be found here. Sampling was great fun, especially since were accompanied by lots of fresh snow. Is it possible to experience the beauty of winter anywhere else than outside in the nature?

  • Picture of a well built and used for groundwater sampling.
    Image: Kirsten Kuesel
  • This picture shows Kirsten Küsel and Lucia Winkler in the lab.
    Image: Beatrix Heinze
  • This picture shows Lucia Winkler and Beatrix Heinze during the sampling procedure.
    Image: Kirsten Kuesel
  • This picture shows Lucia Winkler taking cover from the snow under a large umbrella.
    Image: Beatrix Heinze
  • This picture shows scientists sampling groundwater.
    Image: Kirsten Kuesel
  • This picture shows scientists during a groundwater sampling procedure.
    Image: Kirsten Kuesel
  • Wielding Science
    Image: Beatrix Heinze
  • Wielding Science 2
    Image: Beatrix Heinze