Highly Cited Researchers

Highly cited virus specialist

Every year, Clarivate lists the world's 1% most-cited researchers. Bas Dutilh has been listed again in 2022, for the first time with his Jena affiliation.
Highly Cited Researchers
Image: Clarivate
  • Publications
  • Research


Bas Dutilh in Utrecht
Bas Dutilh in Utrecht
Image: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

Bas E. Dutilh combines his work on virus discovery with his line of research on modelling the microbiome. Prof. Dutilh is fascinated by the ecological and evolutionary dynamics in the microbial world and works to understand the interactions of microbes with each other and their environment. The bioinformatician is known for using Big Data in his research and works on systems where abundant data is available, like the microbiomes of oceans and humans. Dutilh's discoveries include a bacteriophage virus found in the intestines of the majority of the world's population. His modelling contributes to a detailed understanding of the microbiome. "I am very happy to continue my work here at Friedrich Schiller University. I am surrounded by an amazing group of scientists and look forward to seeing their work become highly cited as well," says Prof. Dutilh.