Bas Dutilh in Utrecht

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship awarded to Bas E. Dutilh

The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship has now attracted more than 100 top international researchers from abroad to German universities. Bas Dutilh followed the call of the Humboldt foundation from Utrecht University to Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Bas Dutilh in Utrecht
Image: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
  • Research


Germany's most valuable research award, the Alexander von Humboldt ProfessorshipExternal link, was awarded to Bas E. Dutilh the new professor of Viral Ecology in the Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse at the University of Jena. Prof. Dutilh is an expert in modelling microbial balance and is investigating the role that viruses play therein.