Biochemistry II
Module description
Module coordinator Prof. Dr. Thorsten Heinzel
Requirements for module admission None
Module is required for Specialization module, project module, Master thesis project
Type of module Basic module, compulsory
Frequency of offer (module cycle) Yearly, winter and summer semester
Duration of module 2 Semesters
Composition of module / types of components (lecture, exercise, seminar, practical training, excursion) Lecture: 6 hours per week per semester
Seminar: 1 hour per week per semester
Credit points (ECTS credits) 10 cp
Work load in hours:
  • In-class studying
  • Self-study (incl. exam preparation)

105 h
195 h
Contents The module focuses on advanced concepts of regulatory mechanisms of intracellular and intercellular signal transduction (biochemistry of hormones, hormone receptors, hormonal regulation, signal transduction, membrane receptors, kinase cascades, crosstalk of intracellular signaling pathways, and impact of signaling pathways on cellular processes). Fundamental mechanisms of epigenetic regulation are covered as well.
Learning and qualification objectives Improved understanding of advanced concepts of biochemistry and molecular cell biology with a focus on mechanisms of intracellular signal transduction, hormonal regulation in complex organisms, and epigenetic regulation. Critical analysis of recent publications, seminar presentation on a current topic of biochemistry or signal transduction.
Requirements for admission to module exam Successful completion of the module requires regular attendance of the seminar.
Requirements for the award of credit points; exams (weighting of grades in %) Three independent exams on the content of 3 lectures (each 25%)
Seminar presentation (25%).