The Alexander von Humboldt awardees 2023

Award Ceremony "Alexander von Humboldt Professorships 2023"

From 10 - 12 May 2023 the Alexander von Humboldt foundation awarded 12 international professors, among them Bas Dutilh.
The Alexander von Humboldt awardees 2023
Image: Sybille Huck
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The picture shows awardee Bas E. Dutilh together with Alexander von Humboldt president Robert Schlögel, state secretary of BMBF Sabine Döring and president of Friedrich Schiller University Jena Walter Rosenthal

Image: Sybille Huck

The Humboldt ProfessorshipExternal link is Germany's most valuable research award and financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It enables the holder to conduct forward-thinking, long-term research at universities and research institutions in this country and makes a sustainable contribution to Germany’s ability to compete internationally as a location for research.

Heartily welcomed and supported by Robert Schlögel the president of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, honored by more than 500 participants during the award ceremony Bas Dutilh was presented with the Alexander von Humboldt award together with 11 other outstanding professors by State Secretary Sabine Döring from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on 11 May 2023External link

The award ceremonyExternal link was preceded by a stunning dinner in a pleasant Humboldt atmosphere on Wednesday after all participants had checked in. On Thursday morning, a roundtable of professors took place to get to know each other and exchange scientific ideas. A cultural program was offered for Thursday afternoon. The award ceremony itself was accompanied by musical and dance performances. On Friday morning we participated in an administrative meeting. Here, in particular, the Foundation once again demonstrated that they are also interested in the cooperative interaction of all participants. We would like to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the invitation and organization of the award ceremony and look forward to further cooperation. For the whole ceremony please watch the Video linked below.

Verleihung der Alexander von Humboldt-Professuren (Livestream am 11. Mai 2023, 19 Uhr)