FMEEM 2023

Symposium "New Frontiers in Modelling Ecology and Evolution of Microbiomes"

23 participants onsite and about 20 online followed the presentations of the symposium on 19 October 2023 in Jena
FMEEM 2023
Illustration: Marco Mauri
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Jacopo Grilli answering a final question while Xiu and Marco prepare for the next speaker
Jacopo Grilli answering a final question while Xiu and Marco prepare for the next speaker
Image: Bas Dutilh

In collaboration with Marco Mauri from the Theoretical Microbial Ecology group de, yesterday, our group members Xiu and Aris hosted a symposium at one of the oldest buildings of the University of Jena, Zur Rosen. Featuring speakers from Italy, the Netherlands, and locally from Jena, the intimate symposium was a very interactive with active audience participation and engaging and lively discussions during the breaks.

We covered a broad range of topics on 'Modelling Ecology and Evolution of MicrobiomesExternal link', ranging from microbial growth at single cell level, defense and anti-defense systems between hosts and pathogens, all the way to modelling the Microverse in its entirety.

See the symposium announcement.

This symposium is part of the ongoing lecture series Biotheorist Meetings Jena link

Bram van Dijk explained how he has been evading Bas’ advice to include viruses into his models for almost a decade
Bram van Dijk explained how he has been evading Bas’ advice to include viruses into his models for almost a decade
Image: Pilleriin Peets