Chemical Ecology of Signaling Molecules
Module description
Module coordinator Prof. Dr. Georg Pohnert
Requirements for module admission Enrolment in one basic module
Module is required for Specialization module
Type of module Required elective module, advanced module
Frequency of offer (module cycle) Yearly
Duration of module 1 Semester (SS)
Composition of module / types of components (lecture, exercise, seminar, practical training, excursion) Lecture: 2 hours per week per semester (SS)
Seminar: 1 hour per week per semester (SS)
Practical training: 4 hours per week per semester (SS)
Credit points (ECTS credits) 10 cp
Work load in hours:
  • In-class studying
  • Self-study (incl. exam preparation)
105 h
195 h
Contents The fundamental principles of chemical communication and chemical defense will be introduced.
Pheromone chemistry, pheromone elucidation, reception and application will be a topic. Toxins involved in chemical defense and mechanisms of regulation of chemically mediated organismic interaction will be another focus. This includes quorum sensing and induction of defense in higher plants. Multitrophic interactions will be also a topic of the lecture. A lab class in a group involved in chemical ecology will be offered.
Learning and qualification objectives Knowledge about the production, perception, and function of chemical signals in nature. Understanding of complex ecological processes that are mediated by chemical signals. Applications of pheromones/toxins and defense regulators in agriculture and pest control.
Requirements for admission to module exam None
Requirements for the award of credit points; exams (weighting of grades in %) Written or oral exam on lecture (70%)
Oral presentation during seminar (30%)
Proof of participation in practical training