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  1. Part of the intestine of Caenorhabditis elegans under the microscope, enriched with malpinins.
    Image: Constanze Schultz/Leibniz-IPHT
  2. Dr Trang Vuong (l.) and Dr Prateek Shetty show the growth of the green alga in the spatially structured 3D environment in comparison to conventional cultivation conditions in the laboratory.
    Image: Maria Mittag (Universität Jena)
  3. Colonies of Candida parapsilosis.
    Image: Grit Walther
  4. Mosses are not only beautiful, as the moss fountain in Belvedere Palace Park shows, but also good bioindicators.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  5. A fox in a garden.
    Image: Dalia & Giedrius/Adobe Stock
  6. Prof. Dr Christine Römermann (with spade) and other guests at the tree planting for Jane Goodall.
    Image: Marco Körner/Universität Jena
  7. Mushroom with a high concentration of the toxin muscarine.
    Image: Dirk Hoffmeister
  8. Bacteria are injected into a fungus with an extremely fine tip. The bacteria migrate into the spore-forming tissue (yellow) and are passed on to the next generation.
    Picture: Sean Kilian
  9. The common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) migrates westwards at a speed of around 5 kilometres per year and northwards at around 0.1 kilometres per year.
    Image: Petr Harant (CC-BY)
  10. Julia von Gönner with the ‘Knowledge of the Many’ research prize for citizen science.
    Image: Claudia Höhne/Wissenschaft im Dialog
  11. The new core research building in Leipzig.
    Image: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
  12. The research team collects for their studies unicellular microalgae from the sea.
    Image: Samues Bollendorff, Fondation Tara Océan
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