Invited Reviewes, Essays & Book Chapters

  • 2016

    66. Theißen, G., Melzer, R., Rümpler, F. (2016).
    MADS-domain transcription factors and the floral quartet model of flower development: linking plant development and evolution.
    Development 143 ,3259-3271External link

    65. Theißen, G., Melzer, R. (2016).
    Robust views on plasticity and biodiversity
    Annals Bot 117 , 639-697.External link

    64. Melzer, R., Theißen, G. (2016).
    The significance of developmental robustness for species diversity.
    Annals Bot. 117 ,725-732.External link

    63. Theißen, G., Gramzow, L. (2016).
    Structure and evolution of plant MADS-domain transcription factors.
    InPlant Transcription Factors: Evolutionary, Structural and Functional Aspects. Edited by: Daniel H. Gonzalez, Elsevier Inc., pp. 127-138.

  • 2015

    62. Rümpler, F., Theißen, G., Melzer, R. (2015).
    Character-state reconstruction to infer ancestral protein-protein interaction patterns.
    bio-protocol 5 (16), e1566.External link

  • 2014

    61. Bohl, K., Hummert, S., Werner, S., Basanta, D., Deutsch, A., Schuster, S., Theißen, G., Schröter, A. (2014).
    Evolutionary game theory: molecules as players.
    Molecular BioSystems 10,3066-3074.;External link

    60. Hummert, S., Bohl, K., Basanta, D., Deutsch, A., Werner, S., Theißen, G., Schröter, A., Schuster, S. (2014).
    Evolutionary game theory: cells as players.
    Molecular BioSystems 10,3044-3065.;External link

    59. Lenser, T., Theißen, G. (2014).
    Floral dip transformation in Lepidium campestre.
    bio-protocol 4 (15), 31201.External link

    58. Lenser, T., Theißen, G. (2014)
    Quantifying fruit dehiscence using the Random Impact Test (RIT).
    bio-protocol 4 (15), e1200.External link

    57. Theißen, G. (2014).
    My favorite flowering image: a cob of pod corn.
    Journal of Experimental Botany65, 6751-6754External link

  • 2013

    56. Lenser, T., Theißen, G. (2013).
    Molecular mechanisms of convergent crop domestication.
    Trends Plant Sci. 18, 704-714.

  • 2011

    55. Melzer, R. and Theißen, G. (2011).
    MADS and more: Transcription factors that shape the plant.
    In: Yuan, L. and Perry, S.E. (eds.) Plant Transcription Factors - Methods and Protocols; Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Vol. 754, Springer Protocols, Humana Press New York, pp. 3-18.

    54. Theißen, G. (2011).
    The genetics of Capsella.
    In: Schmidt, R. and Bancroft, I. (eds) Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae, 1st Edition, Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models, Vol. 9., Springer New York, pp. 373 - 387.

  • 2010

    53. Theissen, G. (2010).
    Homeosis of the angiosperm flower: Studies on three candidate cases of saltational evolution.
    Palaeodiversity 3, Supplement: 131-139. 

    52. Kohnen, A., Brandl, R., Fricke, R., Gallenmüller, F., Klinge, K., Köhnen, I., Maier, W., Oberwinkler, F., Ritz, C.M., Speck, T., Theissen, G., Tscharntke, T., Vaupel, A., Wissemann, V. (2010).
    Radiation, biological diversity and host-parasite interactions in wildroses, rust fungi and insects.
    In Glaubrecht, M., & Schneider, H. (eds.) Evolution in action. Springer-Verlag, Wien, pp. 215-238.

    51.  Mühlhausen, A., Polster, A., Theißen, G. and Mummenhoff, K. (2010).
    Evolution of fruit dehiscence in Brassicaceae - examples from Aethionema and Lepidium.
    Acta Hort. (ISHS) 867, 207-219.

    50.  Gramzow, L. and Theissen, G. (2010).
    A hitchhiker's guide to the MADS world of plants.
    Genome Biol. 11, 214.

    49. Melzer, R., Wang, Y.-Q. and Theißen, G. (2010).
    The naked and the dead: the ABCs of gymnosperm reproduction and the origin of the angiosperm flower.
    Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 21, 118-128.External link

  • 2009

    48. Mondragón-Palomino, M. and Theißen, G. (2009).
    Why are orchid flowers so diverse? Reduction of evolutionary constraints by paralogues of class B floral homeotic genes.
    Annals of Botany 104, 583-594.External link

    47. Mummenhoff, K., Polster, A., Mühlhausen, A. and Theißen, G. (2009).
    Lepidium as a model system for studying the evolution of fruit development in Brassicaceae.
    Journal of Experimental Botany 60, 1503-1513.External link

    46. Theißen G. (2009)
    Saltational evolution: hopeful monster are here to stay.
    Theory in Biosciences 128, 43-51

    45. Mondragon-Palomino, M. and Theissen, G. (2009).
    MADS-box genes involved in orchid floral development: a primer.
    Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference (APOC 2007, Goyang City, South Korea, 16 - 26 March 2007), p. 374-386.

  • 2008

    44.Mondragón-Palomino, M. and Theißen, G.  (2008).
    MADS about the evolution of orchid flowers.
    Trends Plant Sci. 13 (2), 51-59External link

  • 2007

    43.Scutt, C.P., Theissen G. and Ferrandiz, C. (2007).
    The Evolution of Plant Development: Past, Present and Future.
    Annals Bot. 100, 599-601External link

    42.Theißen, G. and Melzer, R. (2007).
    Molecular mechanisms underlying origin and diversification of the angiosperm flower.
    Annals Bot. 100, 603-619External link

  • 2006

    41.Theißen, G. and Melzer, R. (2006).
    Combinatorial control of floral organ identity by MADS-domain transcription factors.
    In: "Regulation of transcription in plants" (Grasser, K.; Ed.), Ann. Plant Rev., Volume 29, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 253-265.
    External link

    40.Hintz, M., Bartholmes, C., Nutt, P., Ziermann, J., Hameister, S., Neuffer, B. and Theißen, G. (2006).
    Catching a 'hopeful monster': shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) as a model system to study the evolution of flower development.
    J. Exp. Bot. 57, 3531-3542.External link

    39.Melzer, R., Kaufmann, K. and Theißen, G. (2006).
    Missing links: DNA-binding and target gene specificity of floral homeotic proteins.
    Adv. Bot. Res. 44, 209-236.External link

    38.Nutt, P., Ziermann, J., Hintz, M., Neuffer, B. and Theißen, G. (2006).
    Capsella as a model system to study the evolutionary relevance of floral homeotic mutants.
    Pl. Syst. Evol. 259, 217-235External link.

    37. Theißen, G. and Kaufmann, K. (2006).
    Molecular developmental genetics and the evolution of flowers.
    In: The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Flowering, 2nd Edition. (Jordan, B.R., Ed.), CABI Publishing, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 124-149.

    36. Theißen, G. (2006).
    The proper place of hopeful monsters in evolutionary biology.
    Theory Biosci. 124, 349-369External link.

    35. Theißen, G. (2006).
    MADS ways of memorizing winter: vernalization in weed and wheat.
    Progress in Botany 67, 162-177.

  • 2005

    34. Uy, J.A.C. and Theißen, G. (2005).
    Evolutionary and genetic aspects of biodiversity.
    In Biodiversity: Structure and Function , from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [].

    33. Theißen, G. (2005).
    Birth, life and death of developmental control genes: new challenges for the homology concept.
    Theory Biosci. 124, 199-212External link.

    32. Theissen, G. (2005).
    On the origin of flowers: molecular views.
    Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 92, Nr. 342, 209-219.

    31. Theißen, G. (2005).
    Journal Club: Dog domestication inspires a biologist to reflect on the evolution of complex organisms.
    Nature 437, 793.

    30. Kaufmann, K., Melzer, R. and Theißen, G. (2005).
    MIKC-type MADS-domain proteins: structural modularity, protein interactions and network evolution in land plants.
    Gene 347, 183-198External link.

    29. Zahn, L.M., Leebens-Mack, J., dePamphilis, C., Ma, H. and Theissen, G. (2005).
    To B or not to B a flower: the role of DEFICIENS and GLOBOSA orthologs in the evolution of the angiosperms.
    Journal of Heredity 96, 225-240External link.

  • 2004

    28. Theißen, G. (2004).
    Developmental genetics: Bittersweet evolution.
    Nature 428, 813External link.

    27. Theißen, G. and Becker, A. (2004).
    Gymnosperm orthologues of class B floral homeotic genes and their impact on understanding flower origin.
    Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 23, 129-148External link.

    26. Theißen, G. and Becker, A. (2004).
    The ABCs of flower development in Arabidopsis and rice.
    Progress in Botany 65, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 193-215.

  • 2003

    25. Becker, A. and Theißen, G. (2003).
    The major clades of MADS-box genes and their role in the development and evolution of flowering plants.
    Mol. Phyl. Evol. 29, 464-489External link.

    24. De Bodt, S., Raes, J., van de Peer, Y. and Theißen, G. (2003).
    And then they were many: MADS goes genomic.
    Trends Plant Sci. 8, 475-483External link.

  • 2002

    23. Theißen, G., Becker, A., Kirchner, C., Münster, T., Winter, K.-U. and Saedler, H. (2002).
    How land plants learned their floral ABCs: the role of MADS-box genes in the evolutionary origin of flowers.
    In Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution (Cronk, Q.C.B., Bateman, R.M.., Hawkins, J.A., Eds.). Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 173-205.

    22. Kim, J.T, Schwöbbermeyer, H., Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (2002).
    Biodiversitätsmessung bei Pflanzen anhand molekularer Daten: Ein Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Definition von Biodiversität.
    In Biodiversität - wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz (Janich, P., Gutmann, M. und Prieß, K., Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 181-234.

    21. Theißen, G. (2002).
    Orthology: secret life of genes.
    Nature 415, 741External link.

    20. Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Albert, V.A., Oppenheimer, D.G., dePamphilis, C.W., Ma, H., Frohlich, M.W. and Theißen, G. (2002).
    Missing links: the genetic architecture of flower and floral diversification.
    Trends Plant Sci. 7, 22-31External link.

    19. Theißen, G. (2002).
    Key genes of crop domestication: molecular analyses.
    Progress in Botany 63, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 189-203.

  • 2001

    18. Theißen, G. (2001).
    Flower development: genetics of identity.
    Nature 414, 491External link.

    17. Saedler, H., Becker, A., Winter, K.-U., Kirchner, C. and Theißen, G. (2001).
    MADS-box genes are involved in floral development and evolution.
    Acta Biochim. Polon. 48, 351-358.

    16. Theißen, G., Münster, T. and Henschel, K. (2001).
    Why don't mosses flower?
    New Phytol. 150, 1-5External link.

    15. Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (2001).
    Plant biology: Floral quartets.
    Nature 409, 469-471External link.

    14. Theißen, G. (2001).
    SHATTERPROOF oil seed rape: a FRUITFULL buisiness? MADS-box genes as tools for crop plant design.
    Biotech. News Internat. 6, 13-15.

    13. Theißen, G. (2001).
    Flower development, Genetics of.
    In Encyclopedia of Genetics (Brenner, S., Miller, J.H., Eds.), Academic Press, London, p. 713-717.

    12. Theißen, G. (2001).
    Development of floral organ identity: stories from the MADS house.
    Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 4, 75-85External link.

  • 2000

    11. Theißen, G. (2000).
    Plant biology: Shattering developments.
    Nature 404, 711-713External link.

    10. Theißen, G. (2000).
    Evolutionary developmental genetics of floral symmetry: the revealing power of Linnaeus' monstrous flower.
    Bioessays 22, 209-213.

    9. Theißen, G. (2000).
    FLO-like meristem identity genes: from basic science to crop plant design.
    Progress in Botany 61 (1999), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 167-183.

    8. Theißen, G., Becker, A., Di Rosa, A., Kanno, A., Kim, J.T., Münster, T., Winter, K.-U. and Saedler, H. (2000).
    A short history of MADS-box genes in plants.
    Plant Mol. Biol. 42, 115-149External link.

  • 1999 - 1995

    7. Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (1999).
    The Golden Decade of molecular floral development (1990 - 1999): a cheerful obituary.
    Dev. Genet. 25, 181-193External link.

    6. Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (1998).
    Molecular architects of plant body plans.
    Progress in Botany 59 (1997), Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 227-256.

    5. Theißen, G. and Fischer, A. (1997).
    RC4D - Restriction fragment length polymorphism-coupled domain-directed differential display.
    In Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 85: Differential Display Methods and Protocols (Pardee, A.B., Liang, P., Eds.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, p. 123-133.

    4. Fischer, A., Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (1997).
    Expression analysis of multigene families by RFLP-coupled domain-directed differential display (RC4D).
    In Plant Molecular Biology Manual F6, 2nd edition, Supplement 2 (Gelvin, S.B., Schilperoort, R.A., Hrsg.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 1-12.

    3. Theißen, G. and Saedler, H. (1995).
    MADS-box genes in plant ontogeny and phylogeny: Haeckel's 'biogenetic law' revisited.
    Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 5, 628-639External link.

  • 1994 - 1990

    2. Saedler, H. and Theissen, G. (1994).
    "On the origin of species": Mythologische und molekularbiologische Vorstellungen zur Evolution von Mais. Jahrbuch 1993.
    Leopoldina (R.3) 39, 261-275.

    1. Wagner, R., Theißen, G. and Zacharias, M. (1993).
    Regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis and control of ribosome formation in E. coli.
    In The Translational Apparatus (Nierhaus, K.H., Franceschi, F., Subramanian, A.R., Erdmann, V.A. and Wittmann-Liebold, B., Eds.), Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, USA, p. 119-130.