symbol picture falcon dove game
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schuster
Vorlesung: Prof. Dr. Stefan Schuster
Übungsleiter: Shalu Dwivedi & Suman Chakraborty
Ort: HS 5, Fröbelstieg 1
Beginn: 03.11.2022
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Die Aufgaben erscheinen nach der Vorlesung im Netz und sind bis zum jeweiligen Übungstermin zu lösen.
zusätzliche Materialien zu den Vorlesungen und Übungen
- Stark und Schuster, 2012External link: Comparison of various approaches to calculating the optimal hematocrit in vertebrates.
Journal of Applied Physiology 113, 2012, 355-367 - R.N. NewnhamExternal link, 1965: Stem Form and the Variation of Taper with Age and Thinning Regime, Forestry 38 (2), 218-224
- Growell and SmithExternal link, 1967: Determinant of the optimal hematocrit. Journal of Applied Physiology 22 (3): 501-504
- T. GillespieExternal link, 1983 The Effect of Aggregation and Particle Size Distribution on the Viscosity of Newtonian Suspensions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 94,(1), 166-173
- E. KlippExternal link et al., 2002: Prediction of temporal gene expression / Metabolic optimization by re-distribution of enzyme activities. FEBS Journal 269 (22), 54065413
- A. ZaslaverExternal link et al., 2004: Just-in-time transcription program in metabolic pathways. Nature Genetics 36, 486 - 491
- J. Hofbauer:External link Vereinfachte Version des Poker-Spiels. Aus: J. Hofbauer & K. Sigmund: Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics. Cambridge 1998
- T. Frick, S.SchusterExternal link, 2003: An example of the prisoners dilemma in biochemistry. Naturwissenschaften (2003) 90:327331
- K.C. Clements, D.W. StephensExternal link, 1995: Testing models of noncooperation: mutualism and the Prisoner's Dilemma, Animal Behaviour 50, 527-535
- S. King, F. Beck, U. LüttgeExternal link, 2004: On the mystery of the golden angle in phyllotaxis. Plant, Cell and Environment 27, 685695
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