
B.Sc. Biology

Teaching in the Bachelor-Study

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Compulsory module BB3.Ö13: Integrative ecology - Winter semester

Title Day of the week / rhythm Time Room Lecturers
Integrative ecology Thursday w. 13-14 pm SR 302, Dornburger Str. 159 Kirsten Küsel, Nicole van Dam, Ulrich Brose, Björn Rall, Martina Herrmann
Art communities in transition Monday w. 14-16 pm SR 302, Dornburger Str. 159 Anne Ebeling

Module BB3Ö.10: Basics of ecology - Wintersemester

Title Day of the week / rhythm Time Room Lecturers
Basics of limnology I

Monday w.

10-12 pm HS Dornburger Straße 159 Kirsten Küsel
Lecture Series Biodiversity

Wednesday, w., Start 02.01.2019

12-14 pm HS Dornburger Straße 159

Holger Schielzeth, Kirsten Küsel, Ulrich Brose, Aletta Bonn